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NuMe Envy Hair Extensions Made Loxy Say Wow.

I love playing with hair extensions, but you already knew that. My new obsession is my bright red, natural hair extensions from NuMe's Envy Hair Extension line. NuMe is an online shop that sells high quality hair tools and products as well as human hair extensions in colors you don't see everyday. Sure, you can dye human hair to match your own, but as a red head that can be impossible. You just don't know enough about the history of the hair to know what you are working with. High quality extensions in my color are seemingly impossible to find in synthetic hair, so I had to branch out and up my game.

And upping my game I did! This full set of high quality human hair extensions comes with 7 total pieces in the following widths:

1 piece is 4 inches
3 pieces are 3 inches
A pair of 1-inch wefts

(16 inch long weft)

These are available in two lengths, 16 and 18 inches. I tried the 16-inch length. I have extraordinarily thick, straight hair and I needed two sets of these extensions to fill out my hair. A normal person would only need one. My hair is so thick that as it has grown longer, I've given up coloring it myself. It's too much work. There is just so much hair.

The Envy hair I tried, R300, is silky straight and made Loxy say, "Wow". I don't know how or why, but my big issue with all clip in extensions is that they are not comfortable. The clips usually feel really tight on my scalp and the hair just feels really, really heavy.

(close up of the weft)

I am not exactly sure why, but these actually are comfortable. Normally, the clips, no matter how carefully applied, seem to pinch. These seem to blend seamlessly into the hair and are so comfortable, I could sleep in them. (But I wouldn't, because it could be very stressful for your hair and I definitely don't want to damage my growing locks.)

Real human hair isn't the cheapest thing to buy, but when taken care of properly, it will last for a decent amount of time, can be heat styled, colored and look perfect. NuMe's Envy Extensions are definitely worth checking out, especially for those with hard to match hair colors!

Product supplied for review.

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