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Nude Attitude from Three Custom Color Specialists

Yearning to wear a nude lip but not look so, well nude? Three Custom Color Specialists have come up with a new twist on the nude lip. Loads of nude lip colors leave your lips beige. This works on some people, with smoky eyes, but it isn't the easiest look to pull off on a day to day basis.

Celebrity Makeup Artist, Lauren Napier teamed up with Three Custom Color Specialists' artist, Chad Hayduk to create a truly wearable nude lip. Part coral, beige and pink, this nude has quite a bit more color than you may be used to.

It looks different on everyone and, when paired with a liner, you can dress this color up or down. On me, it is a perfectly peachy nude and has quite a bit more color than shown on the models above. I especially love to wear it with an almost white lip gloss underneath. It gives it a lighter, natural ethereal feel.

I tried this color on a few people and got different results each time. Here are a few variations on my own lips.

(Applied over a shiny, white lip gloss.)

(By itself.)

(Applied over the Three Custom Color Coral Lip Liner.)

The possible combos are endless so you never know what you'll get, other than naturally pretty. It's creamy, long wearing and lends a not-quite-matte and not-quite-satin finish to the lips.

Nude Attitude is available for $21.50 online.

 Three Custom Color does not test on animals. A sample was supplied for review.

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