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Making a Change: Nutrisystem Week 8 - Slow and Steady Wins the Race

I've now been on Nutrisystem for two months and in that time, I've noticed some dramatic changes in my eating habits. This is important for several reasons.

1. I won't be on Nutrisystem forever and will need to be able to live and eat on my own.

2. Habits are the hardest thing to change. When I've done other plans, specifically those with points, you can easily make excuses for eating certain things. And for me personally (remember, food is more like a drug to me, especially sweets) it's a slippery slope. Instead of thinking, "I can eat this piece of cake now and still go out to dinner" and rationalizing using all of the points known to mankind to make that work, I'm making healthier decisions. And that is the ultimate goal.

3. I look thinner. Not only am I down 11.5 pounds (a little more than a half pound from last week), but my measurements are going down. Plus, Loxy is positive I look thinner and jeans that previously didn't go above my knees now fit perfectly. I haven't been yo-yoing, I've been going steadily in the right direction. Even if there are a few stops and starts along the way, slow and steady wins the race!

My new favorite thing I have discovered is making a really special breakfast on the weekend for myself. Normally, during the week, I tend to eat at my desk while I work. But on the weekends, I like to take the extra time and dive into some frozen pancakes or french toast with a side of berries and an egg. It's like eating a hugely satisfying IHOP style breakfast, but without the fat and weighted down feeling you get after those giant meals. It is so satisfying and something I find I am looking forward to every weekend!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting here.

I am part of the Nutrisystem Blogger Nation and Nutrisystem is providing their plan and food in exchange for my reviews. As always, opinions are my own.  Photos by me. 

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