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Making A Change: Nutrisystem Week 6. Snack Attack!

I am officially frustrated. I've been following the program to the letter and my weight loss has seemed to hit the dreaded plateau.

UGH. I hate this part of losing weight. I do almost everything right (I do need to drink more water), and nothing. Maybe a half pound down, depending on the morning I am on the scale. Normally, when this happens, I am about 15 pounds less than I am now. As of today, I'm down 9.5 pounds. So I'm doing ok, I'm just not doing great. I'd really like to be doing better. I have spoken with my friends at Nutrisystem (I hope they don't get tired of my weekly questions!) and they suggested mixing things up to break through a plateau. Eat my dinner for lunch. Eat my lunch for dinner. Switch up my snacks. Eat more green, leafy veggies instead of drinking so much V-8. Drink more water. Get in a little more exercise. All of which are great suggestions, which I have incorporated into my daily life. Hopefully next week, I'll have better news to share.

But in an attempt to look at the bright side, here is a list of things I considered eating and didn't. Let's not forget, I suffer from having a serious sweet tooth. Some people have been accused of thinking with body parts besides their brain and I am no different. My sweet tooth has a mind of its own.

Obviously, these are all of the foods I walked away from since last Friday, after giving each one serious consideration. Before I made my decision, I thought about where the nutritional equivalent would fit in my eating plan (Would it replace a snack? A meal? A days worth of calories?) and if it was worth not seeing the numbers go in the right direction. Sure, you can snack on something that isn't the wisest choice once in a while, but not that often. And it goes without saying that you certainly should not eat ALL OF THESE in one week. But take it from me, a serious junk food-a-holic, there are times when I could have been convinced. All of these items were presented to me and could be heard softly calling my name.

Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter 31 Below Blended Thingie
Mary Sue Peanut Butter Easter Egg
Chocolate Chip Cookie Samples
Rice Krispy Treat from Noodles and Co
6 Pack of Oreos
TCBY Shiver
5 slices of Cheese
Chocolate Cake
Butterfinger Snackerz Pouches (x5!)
Snickers Mini (x5!)
Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips
Regular size fast food fries

So, in an attempt to turn my unsuccessful scale week into a win of some sort, I decided to look up all of the calories and fat in all of the items listed above and see what the potential damage could have been.

In the immortal words of George Takei, "Oh My".

The grand total for the calories of the food listed above that I considered eating are FOUR THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT. The total number of fat grams are TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX.


In the calories alone, that would equal a little over a pound of body weight and that much fat can't be good for the heart. Plus it's more than 3 days of my total calories alone.

While thinking of a Mary Sue Peanut Butter Easter Egg makes me salivate right now, I know that tonight, after dinner, around 8pm, Loxy and I will have our daily Nutrisystem snack. For me, it's likely to be my beloved Blueberry Lemon bar or a Thin Mint Crunch Bar. Loxy is likely to have a Creamy Fudge Bar or Honey Mustard Pretzels. Either way, knowing that there is something satisfying for my (extremely) sweet tooth at the end of the day seems to be enough to get me past all of the rich treats that cross my path each day. And that is a win, right?

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I am part of the Nutrisystem Blogger Nation and Nutrisystem is providing their plan and food in exchange for my reviews. As always, opinions are my own.  Photos by me.

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