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Tanning Without Trying: A Hard Habit to Break

If you've read my blog for more than a week, you know I'm serious about preventing sun damage by wearing a daily SPF. But oddly, I'm really only talking about your face and neck. I don't wear a sunscreen daily on my arms, chest or legs. I should. My arms look a good 10 years older than my face. And several years older than my hands (I tend to rub in extra SPF on my hands). Ick. I guess I'm hitting THAT age. The age where everything matters. No more thinking things will get squared away when I'm older. Sigh.

So I'm trying to get better at wearing a daily sunscreen all over my body. It's not the easiest habit to make. I swear it feels like it takes forever to apply a lotion all over and I don't like how most sprays feel on the skin when I'm not at the beach.

Aveeno recently launched Hydrosport, a new SPF meant to be used on wet skin. I've been spraying it on when I get out of the shower. I'm actually applying it in the shower after I towel off. Then I wait a few seconds and rub it in. By the time I put my makeup on, my skin feels normal - not sticky or greasy. This SPF is available in either 50 or 85 and wears for a long, long time.

This retails for less than $10 at drugstores everywhere. Either for every day or for days at the pool or the beach, this SPF spray applies easily and doesn't feel glunky on skin.

Product was sent for review. Aveeno does not test on animals.

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