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Oscar Blandi At Home Salon Glaze Shine Rinse

My hair color is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. And it should be for the amount of time I spend at the salon. My roots are one permanent color (my base color is practically white) while the rest of my base color is a demi in a vibrant red. My bangs and face framing strands are a level two brown (really dark) and I have two panels of blond in the middle layer of my hair, right behind the dark bits. Think peekaboo panels. It's awesome and as much as it will make my super stylist Bethany cringe, the multiple tones go really well with my current love of feather extensions and my newly adopted wavy, messy hair (it's the feathers that are likely to make her cringe, not the waves!).

Clearly, my hair is a process and to called it "processed" is an understatement. The first thing to go, besides a little bit of red, is the amazing amount of shine I have when I leave the salon. So in an attempt to boost that shine, I picked up Oscar Blandi's At Home Salon Glaze Shine Rinse. This is the at home version of the signature treatment each color customer receives before leaving the Oscar Blandi flagship NYC salon.

Getting a pro glaze will help seal the cuticle, which makes hair (colored or not) shinier and helps colored hair extend its vibrancy. So how does it stack up?

According to the company, here is how it boosts shine:

- Olive oil and Macadamia oil instantly brighten all hair colors
- Sun Inhibitors and Anti-oxidant Vitamin E help to create a shield to protect hair from harmful environmental aggression
- Panthenol, Proteins, and Xylitol (a long lasting, natural moisturizing agent) help to add strength and moisture to hair and help retain
vibrancy of hair color
- Castor oil and positively charged Coconut derivatives help in smoothing and closing of the hair cuticle to improve comb-ability and prevention of color fading

I've been using it once a week to boost shine and seal the cuticle. This glaze doesn't require heat, which a pro glaze usually would. After using it, I do see a decent change in the amount of shine my hair has. The shine lasts for a shampoo or two and then begins to fade, most likely because my hair is very porous. This gives my hair a very natural sheen, which is my way of saying it didn't give me magazine or tv commercial shine, but I'm not really sure such a level of super shine is possible to achieve this way.

When looking for something that might help seal in my hair color, I read several reviews of this product, something I try not to do before actually trying a product. One of the biggest complaints was the smell of the product. People complained it had a heavy scent, which I can kind of agree with. This glaze reminds me of Sebastian's Cellophane (I loved that product!) from years ago. It definitely smells chemical-y as it is a chemical process, albeit not a major one. So if you are expecting a perfumed product, this isn't going to make your nose happy. That said, the smell isn't anything you can't live through. Just know what to expect and you'll be fine.

If you want to boost shine without having to rely on silicone serums every day, this Oscar Blandi rinse may be a good option. Understand that you'll have to do it every week or so, or you can add a few drops to your daily conditioner to maintain the shine.

I bought this. Oscar Blandi does not test on animals.

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