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Napoleon Perdis Super Bronze, Super Summer Giveaway

After my recent tanning debacle, I'm a little shy about using self tanners on my face. So now I'm all about the bronzers and other glow-inducing products I can use to achieve a faux tan. I almost like this option better, because as soon as I use a faux tanner, I suddenly yearn to be uber-pale. The same thing happens as soon as I dye my hair black (or blonde). My indecision and my instant need to switch it up are undeniable and inevitable.

(This is me, half asleep and very pale, wearing zilch in the way of makeup.)

Napoleon Perdis has a solution for my faux tanning needs.They have quite a few solutions, all of which yield very different results.

First, let's talk about Blush Patrol, a burgundy and bronze baked blush. This cheek color is designed for maximum impact on glowing, tanned skin. I'm personally more of a light pop of peach kind of girl, so this is a totally different change for me.

And isn't that how a good makeover is born? You'll never change your look while sitting in a rut, right? This blended color swirl will give you super shiny color that compliments a tan in a sultry way.

Bronze Patrol, a baked bronze blush, can be used all over your face (I like to make "3's - starting at my hairline, dipping in at the cheeks and then following along the jawline).

This is also very shiny and compliments both tanned skin as well as pale skin looking for a bronzed boost.

Now for the Napoleon Perdis products I'm obsessed with.

Whipped Dream Tan Enhancer is a brown mousse that delivers a light, Mediterranean tan. It will make you a touch bronzer than you currently are.

This creamy mousse spreads on skin very easily, dissolving into a really pretty, very light tan. You can add more layers to darken the color. I put this on the second it arrived and then fell asleep wearing it. It didn't migrate to my sheets, but it did wash off in the shower the next morning.

After Sun Body Oil delivers a different type of tan from Napoleon Perdis. Imagine you are out in the real sun, actually tanning and get a slightly pink flush. This oil will deliver a reddish, bronze glow and give your skin a serious color correction.

(The shiny bits are where the product was applied. The non-shiny bits are just plain nekkid skin.)

(This is totally blended in and significantly darker than my nekkid skin.)

This is an oil and while it does dissolve into the skin, it can also settle into fine lines (watch the neck!). However, a quick swipe of the hand to rub it in will fix it. This glow will last until you get wet or rub up against something. In other words, don't wear white.

Both of these can help you fix faux tan streaking or give your arms, legs or decollete a quick pick me up. I've used the Whipped Dream Tan Enhancer on my face for a really fast, all over tan. It stays all day and looks realistic. Wear both of these together and get that ultra deep tan.

Before you tan, temp-faux or today-only-faux, you'll want to start with a smooth even surface. Smooth Over Body Scrub is a salt scrub that will leave your skin soft, your tub clean and the surface of your skin even and smooth.

This is a non-greasy scrub that is granular enough to get the job done without running the risk of being too rough.

Here is what I looked like wearing all of the Napoleon Perdis products I just told you about (I didn't wear the After Sun Body Oil on my face. Only the neck and decollete).

Not sure which one would work best for you? Check them out at And one lucky reader will be selected to win a set of all five (the non-blushes are the smaller sizes, as shown in the pics above)! Sweet, right? To win, just Like Napoleon Perdis on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter and then leave me a comment telling me your favorite place to get a tan. You can get extra entries by Liking Gouldylox on Facebook and following me on Google.  Earn an extra entry by Plus One-ing this post (just be sure to leave a comment telling me you shared the Plus One love!) Be sure to leave your email or way to contact you in the event you are chosen. will select the winner on July 5th. US Only. Sorry, everyone else.The winner will be notified by email and must respond in 48 hours to claim the prize.


Product supplied for review and giveaway. I love you, but I'm not made of money.

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