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June Favorites (no flunkies allowed!)

Here we are, fully in the throes of summer! As usual, this month came and went all too quickly. I only hauled an item or two this June (can we get a round of applause for my astounding self-restraint?), and I am elated to report that I don't have any flunkies to share with you today! I am getting a lot better at researching items and only buying those that fill a need in my collection. However, my birthday is coming up in July so expect some hauling that throws all that to the wind!

On to what has stolen my early summer heart....

All my followers! This is my third full month blogging, and I have had so much fun posting, reading other blogs, and interacting with all of you! Today I hit 80 followers! That means I need to put together a giveaway like I promised quick! I am continually surprised that people want to read my posts. You all are the fiercest of power femmes, and thank you for joining me on this adventure!

e.l.f. High Definition Powder- I bought this a few months ago when I was looking for an affordable HD powder, and somehow over time it fell to the bottom of by collection. I assumed that this product wouldn't hold up to the summer heat, but I was wrong! This is now my go to summer setting powder- whether I am wearing tinted moisturizer or full coverage foundation, this locks in my look and controls my oil and shine for a good portion of the day. And at $6, you can't beat it!

Hard Candy Glamoflauge Heavy Duty Concealer- When I reviewed this product, I initially stated that it wasn't the best to concealer under eye circles. Minor retraction! While I am still a bit disappointed with the limited shade selection, I have found a new appreciation for this concealer. I have been applying this all month with a damp Sonia Kashuk blending sponge and it has been doing a great job of concealing my under eye circles. I like this as a summer concealer because it is thin (yet crazy pigmented!) as opposed to thick and creamy so it won't cake up or slide off in the heat.

Zoya Creamy- Despite my trepidation, I took a shot at the yellow polish trend and I am so glad I did! Creamy's formula is not perfect, but I am willing to put up with it because the color is so divine. Usually I get bored with a mani after a few days, but I wore this one until it was chipping off!

 Revlon Super Lustrous in Primrose- This came out in a limited collection, but I still have seen a few of these lippies floating around my local shopping stops. Primsore is a pale, milky pink that leans lavender. It is a bit cool for me, but I can still barely pull it off. I have heard some describe this is a Victorian pink, but I think it can also be used to achieve that "Playboy Bunny" pale pink lip and smokey lip if you are feeling wild. I really adore the Super Lustrous lipsticks, and the formula on this one is no exception.

ecotools Retractable Kabuki-  This brush is oh-so-soft and convenient to throw into your purse. It is multipurpose powder brush, but my favorite use for it is to apply bronzer. It is small enough to contour my cheeks and temples and evenly distributes and buffs product.

Laura Geller Baked Blush n' Brighten in Honey Dipped- This gem came in my June Birchbox. This isn't a product that I would have picked out for myself, but I am more than happy to have it on my collection! Look at it- can you even handle it's beauty?!?! Despite the bronze color this is far too shimmer to use as a bronzer to contour with or dust all over the face. I use this like a blush, and it offers a healthy, golden glow to my skin. It is really pigmented, and the neutral shade goes with most all looks. I even use just a tiny dab of this on top of my other blushes to add a summery golden sheen to my cheeks.
Pangea Organics Italian Green Mandarin & Sweet Lime Facial Toner- This also came in my June Birchbox. Ever on the hunt for new natural skin care goodies, I think this one is a permanent keeper. This generous sample should last me a while longer, too. I mist this on my face morning and night after I cleanse, and let it dry before I put on my moisturizer. This hasn't performed miracles on my skin, but I can tell that my skin feels more balanced and hydrated since I started using it. It also feels really cooling and refreshing in the summer heat!

What are you adoring this month?

PS- I updated my Blog Sale! Prices and shipping costs have been slashed; I am also open to swaps and haggling. I move in two weeks so I am eager to find these goodies new homes!

Oscar Blandi At Home Salon Glaze Shine Rinse

My hair color is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. And it should be for the amount of time I spend at the salon. My roots are one permanent color (my base color is practically white) while the rest of my base color is a demi in a vibrant red. My bangs and face framing strands are a level two brown (really dark) and I have two panels of blond in the middle layer of my hair, right behind the dark bits. Think peekaboo panels. It's awesome and as much as it will make my super stylist Bethany cringe, the multiple tones go really well with my current love of feather extensions and my newly adopted wavy, messy hair (it's the feathers that are likely to make her cringe, not the waves!).

Clearly, my hair is a process and to called it "processed" is an understatement. The first thing to go, besides a little bit of red, is the amazing amount of shine I have when I leave the salon. So in an attempt to boost that shine, I picked up Oscar Blandi's At Home Salon Glaze Shine Rinse. This is the at home version of the signature treatment each color customer receives before leaving the Oscar Blandi flagship NYC salon.

Getting a pro glaze will help seal the cuticle, which makes hair (colored or not) shinier and helps colored hair extend its vibrancy. So how does it stack up?

According to the company, here is how it boosts shine:

- Olive oil and Macadamia oil instantly brighten all hair colors
- Sun Inhibitors and Anti-oxidant Vitamin E help to create a shield to protect hair from harmful environmental aggression
- Panthenol, Proteins, and Xylitol (a long lasting, natural moisturizing agent) help to add strength and moisture to hair and help retain
vibrancy of hair color
- Castor oil and positively charged Coconut derivatives help in smoothing and closing of the hair cuticle to improve comb-ability and prevention of color fading

I've been using it once a week to boost shine and seal the cuticle. This glaze doesn't require heat, which a pro glaze usually would. After using it, I do see a decent change in the amount of shine my hair has. The shine lasts for a shampoo or two and then begins to fade, most likely because my hair is very porous. This gives my hair a very natural sheen, which is my way of saying it didn't give me magazine or tv commercial shine, but I'm not really sure such a level of super shine is possible to achieve this way.

When looking for something that might help seal in my hair color, I read several reviews of this product, something I try not to do before actually trying a product. One of the biggest complaints was the smell of the product. People complained it had a heavy scent, which I can kind of agree with. This glaze reminds me of Sebastian's Cellophane (I loved that product!) from years ago. It definitely smells chemical-y as it is a chemical process, albeit not a major one. So if you are expecting a perfumed product, this isn't going to make your nose happy. That said, the smell isn't anything you can't live through. Just know what to expect and you'll be fine.

If you want to boost shine without having to rely on silicone serums every day, this Oscar Blandi rinse may be a good option. Understand that you'll have to do it every week or so, or you can add a few drops to your daily conditioner to maintain the shine.

I bought this. Oscar Blandi does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

COVERGIRL NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara

While mascara seems to be one of the easier products you can skimp on (after all, you should replace it after three months) I have a hard time finding mascaras in the drugstore that live up to my expectations. I like them extra dark, extra long and they should be able to make it through a full day without flaking under my eyes. Now that my lashes are extra long thanks to RevitaLash, I can actually wear a variety of lash looks. Some days, I like to go for the extra glamour and some days I prefer a natural, feathery look.

COVERGIRL recently launched the new NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara. It's kind of amazing, for a lot of reasons. First of all, it's made with beeswax, which adds volume without flaking. This mascara is very light and feels almost weightless on the lashes. According to their scientists, it's actually 20% lighter than traditional mascaras. It's made with Tapioca Polymers that keep lashes curled while allowing them to feel flexible. Finally, it lives up to its green packaging. Compared to other similar mascaras, NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara is created in a way that reduces emissions, water consumption, energy use and package waste.

The brush on this is a simple plastic bristled brush that gets into the base of the lashes and encourages them not to clump. This tool provides a nice combo of stiff bristles to control the mascara and a medium thick brush (diameter-wise).

It's not so thick it goes all over my eyelids, but is thick enough to coat all of my lashes evenly. 

But how does it look? Gorgeous! Light, shiny and feathery. My lashes looked perfect all day long, even though I was walking around outside in the heat and humidity. This mascara didn't budge or flake, at all. If you are looking for lashes that look naturally very pretty without being overdone, heavy or super thick, Natureluxe Mousse Mascara is for you!

(Wearing NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara and Rapture Lip Perfection Lipstick)

It's available officially in July, but I've seen it everywhere already.  It's selling for about $9 and is available in a waterproof formula as well (I tested the regular formula).

Product was sent for review. COVERGIRL tests on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Lady Gaga 'Judas' Inspired Nail Art (Fail?)

By now it is no secret that I am totally enamored with Lady Gaga, and as a beauty junkie I often look to her aesthetic for inspiration. Gaga rocks some really intense nails in her 'Judas' music video: pointed green and black talons encrusted with gold chain links and gem stones. Omitting the sharpened claws, here is my interpretation of the look. I really want to love it....but I feel like I'm wearing gaudy Christmas sweaters on my nails. The edginess of Gaga's look was lost in my rendition and replaced with tacky Holiday cheer. I almost didn't post this, but I think it is important to acknowledge our successes as well as our epic failures! I can't help but laugh every time I look down at my hands!

I used Sally Hansen Black Diamond and Jumpin' Jade as the base coats, then mattified them with Hard Candy's matte top coat (which I realize now was pointless since I used Seche Vite afterwards). The using Zoya Jules, I created the gold rings with a toothpick. The gems were created using Black Diamond, Jumpin' Jade, and Zoya Faith. The mimic the 3D effect I applied some red and green bindis to random nails, and sealed it all in with coat of Seche Vite. I worked too long on these to take them off, so I am going to try to rock these for a few days.

Tell me about your nail art fails! Have you ever had a great design idea that totally crashed and burned in execution?

Get Out Of A Style Rut: Change Your Hair

Makeovers are my favorite thing in the world. I love the possibilities they hold and how one new, expertly applied blush or hair product can make a world of difference, turning a bad day into a great day. Or vice-versa.

Looking back at pictures I've posted of myself on this blog is a terrifying experience. Maybe it's because my opinion of what I think looks nice changes every few days. Or maybe it's because some styles aren't for everyone. Either way, you'll never know what's lurking around the corner if you don't experiment.

Once you're stuck in a style rut, it can feel impossible to get out. I used to work with a friend who would spend hours looking for a new hairstyle picture to take to the stylist. However, each new style had it's own caveats. These included:

No layers.
Don't touch the length.
Don't add highlights.
No bangs that aren't long and side swept.
I don't want to go with my wavy, natural texture.
It has to part on the side.

No matter what photo she took to the stylist, the end result would always be the same. It's hard to make a change when you box yourself in. You are not likely to make an amazing transformation if you put so many limitations on your style. If you often find yourself thinking, "I can't do bangs! "I look bad if I change my hair length," or "I'm too old for that!" then you need to get out of a style rut!

(This style is simple, but there is more to it than just long layers.)

Find a picture of a hair style you admire. Now dissect it like you are on the show CSI and lives hang in the balance. Don't look at how gorgeous the hair is with the dress. Examine the length of layers, where they fall, and if the model in the shot has added extensions or if it's all her hair. Does she have highlights? Does the cut accentuate her bone structure? Figure out what you like about it. Is it a "girlier" cut than you currently have? Sexier? Simpler? Then take all of your info to your stylist.

(This is what I want right now. I only need another 8 inches of hair!)

The next stage of rut-busting is where the rubber meets the road. Remember, you're thinking outside the box, which is probably also outside your comfort zone. To get out of your style rut, you've got to keep an open mind and keep moving forward. Make sure you really like and trust your stylist. It's a personal relationship and the results will be much better if there is a high level of trust. If you have to tell a stylist how to cut your hair, you need to find a new one. If your stylist doesn't listen, you need to find a new one. After all, they are in the business of making you happy. Good stylists should listen to you and offer feedback, as well as their honest opinions. They should be able to tell you if your idea will work or if you don't have the right hair for the cut. And you need to be willing to listen to their ideas.

Now keep in mind, your stylist's main goal is to make you happy. This means that if you come in and say, "I want to cut it all off," and previously everything you've ever said has exuded "don't touch the length," you're giving your stylist mixed signals. They want to make you happy, and past behavior dictates that you won't be happy if they chop off ten inches of your locks. So you are probably going to walk out of the salon with a slightly shorter version of your hair then when you walked in, because they want you to be happy. This is usually great, because it allows you to get used to the change gradually. After all, it's easier to cut it off then put it back on.

But if you are in market for a real change and you want it now, tell your stylist. Say, "I really want a change. I don't mean a small change, I mean a real and dramatic change. I've thought about it and I want something very different from what I have now. I won't be upset with you when you cut off the 10 inches I'm asking for. I know that goes against everything I've ever told you, but I'm ready. What do you think?" Don't forget to be sure to ask your stylist for the different ways you can style your hair. Ask them to show you how to take care of it and how to use the flat iron/curling iron/blowdryer/fancy brush. Don't be shy!

Now, when your stylist has listened to you and done what you have asked, don't start crying and say, "I really meant four inches". Remember, you're thinking outside of the box and going for a change. You can only change your style when you have an open mind, remove the limitations and go for it.

Now that you've made a change, embrace it and own it! I'd love to see your favorite before and afters! Post them in the comments!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beauty Shorts: June Favorites For Your Hair and Skin

I'm trying so many things, especially for my hair, that I am overwhelmed with things you should know about NOW. To make sure you're up to date on everything, check out my favorites from this month.

UNITE is one of my new favorite hair care brands. Their Boing! made my hair do exactly that. And as my hair gets longer, I am finding that it is delicate and likes to be temperamental. I know hair is at its weakest when wet. Tangles can become broken strands in moments. On my head, broken strands become flyaways that make me crazy. So it's best to take precautions. I am loving UNITE's 7 Second Detangler, which does so much more than detangle! According to them, it does all of this:

1. Locks in color
2. Detangles in just seven seconds
3. Stylist's favorite cutting tool
4. UV Protector
5. Thermal Protector
6. Eva Longoria's favorite
7. All Hair types

I totally agree with 1, 2, 4 and 5. But I'm no stylist and sadly, I'm no Eva Longoria, so I can't comment on those. But I can tell you this leaves my hair without tangles and feeling smooth and healthy.  Use it daily to keep hair healthy. Pick it up for $21.95 online or at fine salons.

JoElle's Skincare Revitalizing Botanical Mist is a great way to start out the morning (or wrap up the evening) after cleansing. This fresh mist is very light and leaves skin feeling fantastic. It contains green tea, chamomile and lavender which restores the skin and preps it for the rest of your skincare. It smells slightly lemon-y, which always makes me smile. This spray just seems to wake up my skin! Since it's alcohol-, oil- and paraben-free, I also like to use it after my makeup. A quick burst of JoElle's signature mist makes your makeup look perfect, as if you were born that way, and didn't just spend all of that time perfecting your face! This is especially great if you were a little heavy handed with the setting powder. This product retails for $32 and will last you forever!

Mario Badescu is one of those lines that should cost way more than it does. I know I've told you how much I love their Summer Shine Body Lotion and Orange Cleansing Soap (the only cleanser this year I've used completely and then re-purchased!), but I've neglected to tell you all about their Hyaluronic Eye Cream. As my makeup maven amiga Anne will tell you, Hyaluronic Acid is one of the ingredients that gets us 30-ish year old people excited. It gives skin an instant lift, plumping fine lines and leaving skin incredibly soft.  This eye cream contains aloe and is safe enough for sensitive skin. I like to use it around my eye and on to my cheekbone, where my skin tends to become the driest. Pick it up online or from Ulta for $18!

Some products were sent for consideration. None of these products are tested on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Stylish Blogger Award!

I was recently gifted with the Stylish Blogger Award by the lovely Joann at LuckyDuckyLoves! Thank you so much!

The Rules
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things about yourself that you haven't mentioned before
3. Tag 7 people and let them know you've done so!

7 Things About Myself
1. My favorite season is Fall. Even though we are just in the beginning of summer, all I can think of is Halloween, crunchy leaves, pumpkin pie, vampy nail polish, and walks outside in sweaters!
2. The author that has had the most profound impact on me is Dorothy Allison. A feminist scholar and fiction writer, Allison's voice is raw, poetic, sensual, and sharp as she grapples with themes of sexuality, identity, poverty, and family. She has written feminist scholarship that has been important to my own political and ideological thinking, but her poetry and non-fiction work is just as wonderful. I highly recommend her novel Cavedweller to everyone. If it weren't already clear how much I adore her, I have a Dorothy Allison quote tattooed on my ankle that reads "Change when it comes cracks everything open."
3. I am not much of an athlete now, but in high school and undergrad I was a pretty fierce lacrosse player. I still have my sticks and I play for fun from time to time, but I really miss competing and being a part of a team.
4. I am a bit of a foodie. I don't have much of an interest in becoming formally trained or learning how to cook gourmet; I am just an avid home cook who really loves to try out recipes and, of course, eat! I make a mean chili, and plan making some lemon poppy seed muffins later today.
5. My entrance into feminism was through Riot Grrrl, a genre of feminist punk music performed by and for young women. Riot grrrl's heyday was in the 1990's, so by time I got into it most of the bands were already defunct. But nonetheless, it was really powerful for me to hear other young women using their voice and fighting for visibility. Kathleen Hanna is still one of my favorite people ever.
6. In the same vein, I got really into zines in undergrad. Zines are independently produced and distributed magazines, and can be about anything. I still love zines, but don't write them as often. However, every time I teach I assign my students a zine project in place of a final exam.
7. Two years ago, all of my makeup fit into one small draw-string bag! On the typical day I wore eyeshadow, mascara, concealer, pressed powder, and lip balm. I didn't have brushes so I applied my eyeshadow (I maybe had 6 different colors) with my finger. Clearly, a lot has changed!

7 People I Tag
1. Gracie at Grace & Beauty
2. Tiffany at Will Work for Makeup
3. Amber at Lipgloss and Flipflops
4. Jill at Just Peachy
5. Little Ms What's Her Tights at What's Her Tights: Radical Fashion, Queer Politics 
6. Corrie at DizzyBrunette3
7. Haute Lacquer

Safe For Work Smoky Eye Tutorial

Several people have been asking me to do makeup tutorials. I haven't done them in the past because I'm no makeup artist and because I'm not great on camera. Turns out, I am very good at saying "um". If you're so inclined, this doubles as a drinking game. But since several of you asked for a tutorial nicely, I thought I would give it a try. In this video, I'll show you how to do a really easy smoky eye that is totally SFW. I'll also share my new favorite way to apply blush (with a sponge!) as well as what the new Buxom mascara actually does that makes it different. I apologize in advance for this being so long. It's the thing I hate most about web makeup videos and I went and did the exact same thing. Feel free to fast forward (unless you're using it as a drinking game). Check out below for links to the products used in the video.

Dan Read Foundation
Dan Read Blush in Corralin
MAC Magically Cool Honey Rose Powder
Joey Healy Brows in Equestrian
BE Gunmetal Primer Shadow
BE Steel Eyecolor
Stila Primer Pot in taffy
Dalton Cream Liner
Smashbox Arced Liner Brush
Buxom Amplified LashMascara
MUFE Lip Liner in IC
Smashbox Limitless Gloss in Limitless
RevitaLash Eyelash Conditioner made my lashes super long.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Buffy Inspired Tutorial ft. UD Naked Palette

Into every generation she is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons,  and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer.
Aside from being a makeup junkie, and I a total Buffy the Vampire Slayer nerd. I grew up on the series, and must have watched the seven seasons 4 or more times from start to finish. Strong female characters, supernatural themes, queer story lines, witty humor- what's not to love? In addition to being independent, strong (both physically and emotionally) leaders, the women on the show are down right stunning. This tutorial is inspired by the leading lady herself. Buffy's makeup is always wearable and neutral, and she favors peach toned lips and blush. Her signature look is natural, glowing skin and heavy brown liner, particularly on the lower lash line to create a big, almost puppy-dog eye shape. The much beloved Urban Decay Naked Palette is perfect for achieving this look, though similar shadows could certainly be used in its place for this tutorial.

How to get the look:

1. After priming your face (I used Benefit "That Gal" Brightening Face Primer), apply a mixture of your foundation and an illuminator to acheive Buffy's healthy, lit from within glow. I used Revlon ColorStay in Medium Beige mixed with a dab of Tarte Amazonian Clay Smooth Operator Illuminating Serum, and applied it using a blending sponge (Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge) for a natural finish.
 2. Cover up remaining dark circles and blemishes with concealer, using the same blending sponge to apply. Buffy has impeccable skin, even after slaying all night and saving the world. I used Revlon PhotoReady Concealer in Light Medium on blemishes, and Benefit Erase Paste in Medium on my under eyes.
3. Set your foundation and concealer with powder, and apply light highlight. I used Physicians Formula Powder Palette Multi-Colored Press Powder in Buff, and then dusted the slightly shimmery Physicians Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Powder in Translucent over my cheekbones, bridge of my nose, and cupid's bow using e.l.f. Studio Complexion Brush.
4. Buffy is a student, friend, daughter, girlfriend, and slayer- and still has time to contour! Contour cheekbones, temples, and nose with matte or minimally shimmery bronzer. I applied the bronzer in the Sephora Sculpting Disk using my Ecotools Travel Kabuki.
5. Apply peach blush for a natural flush. I applied e.l.f.'s Peachy Keen using e.l.f.'s Studio Blush Brush.
6. After priming your lids (I used Urban Decay Primer Potion in Sin), apply Virgin from the Urban Decay Naked Palette to the inner 1/3rd of the lid, inner corner, inner lower lash line, and brow bone.
7. Apply Naked to the remainder of the lid. 
 8. Apply Buck to the crease and blend.
9. Apply a brown liner to the upper and lower lash line. I used Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Whiskey, which came in the Naked Palette. Be sure to go all the way in to the inner corners. Avoid the water line. Soften and set top liner with a mix of Smog and Dark Horse, and set bottom liner with Smog only. Be sure not to smudge the liner too much- Buffy's liner is soft, but not smokey. 
10. Curl your lashes (I used the awesome e.l.f. essentials Lash Curler) and apply black mascara to the top and bottom lashes (I used Revlon Grow Luscious in Blackest Black).
11. For the lips, apply a light peach lipstick and top with a peach gloss (I used Victoria's Secret Perfect Lipstick in Heartbeat from the Love Me Wild collection, and Buxom Lips in Sandy).

Now go kick some Big Bad butt!