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Elure Skincare Offers Temporarily Lighter, Brighter Skin

Elure is a skincare company, with patent pending technology that temporarily lightens the skin, revealing fresher, brighter skin in as few as 28 days without using ingredients like hydroquinone.

Sound to good to be true? Here's the skinny. Sometimes products are created when off-label uses take off. Like how a side effect of a glaucoma drug makes your lashes grow and Latisse was born? Lignen is a natural enzyme that comes from mushrooms that grow on trees. Scientists were paying attention to Lignen for it's ability to lighten wood pulp as a way to make environmentally friendly paper. An Israeli scientist noticed that melanin and lignen were really similar and they began to study it's cosmetic abilities to be used as skin lightener. Jump forward a bit and Elure was created as a way to temporary lighten skin.

I've now done several peels, a few rounds of IPL and have tried a myriad of products to try to lighten my sun damage. After using this product for 28 days (almost on the nose), my very opinionated sister-in-law commented on how fabulous my skin looked. While I can't guarantee it was only because of the Elure, it seems a coinkydink worth noting.

(This is the day product. See the double pumps?)

Here is how Elure works. The system is comprised of three products- a cleanser, a day time product and a night time product.  Both the day and evening products are comprised of two steps. After cleansing, you apply the appropriate first layer of product, wait about a minute and apply the second product. There is no stinging, no redness, no scent. In fact, there is nothing irritating about this product what-so-ever. It even claims to work on all skin tones and is tolerated by the most sensitive of skin.

According to the company themselves, this is how it works:

The appearance improvement provided by elure is based on a patented natural enzyme, known as Melanozyme™, which acts to temporarily reduce the dark-colored pigment in your skin. In several clinical studies, elure produced a brighter and more even toned skin appearance for most subjects in just 28 days. Formulated to suit all ages, elure's gentle yet rich formula does not contain hydroquinone or any other previously used active ingredients.

My melasma is very difficult to treat. While this didn't get rid of it entirely, I definitely saw an improvement in the overall brightness of my skin. Elure is available from Dermatologists and other medically supervised professionals for around $335 for all three products. To find a provider in your area, visit here.

Product was sent for review.  Elure does not test on animals.

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