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3 Affordable Hair Masks To Love

Ever since I had my hair colored using Revlon Colorsilk in Light ash Brown 50, I was tipped by a colorist that using hair masks once a week can help lock in moisture to the dyed hair. Unpleasant hair dryness can result from hair coloring and your best bet in avoiding this problem is to get a product that can generously moisturize the scalp.

For the past 9 months, I've tried three affordable hair masks that made others clueless about the drying effects of constant hair coloring on my locks:

Elseve Re-Nutrition Hair Mask, Cream Silk Hair Mask and
Purederm Nourishing Repair Hair Mask

Creamsilk Precision Repair Treatment

Cream Silk Precion Repair Mask, ~P14, 20mL sachet
cheapest of the lot at ~P14/20mL sachet
special instructions from Creamsilk: for severely damaged hair, use consecutively for 3 days and every 7 days thereafter.

L'oreal Elseve Re-Nutrition w/Royal Jelly

L'oreal Elseve Re-Nutrition Hair Mask, ~P21/ 15mL sachet
L'oreal Elseve has around 3 or 4 varieties of hair masks you can choose from
This Royal Jelly variant worked well for me compared to the pink/red one

Purederm Chamomile Nourishing Repair Mask

Purederm Nourishing Repair Hair Mask (chamomile), ~P80 20mL
This hair mask has the most divine scent! It is both an effective hair treatment product and an aromatherapy treat!

So, Which Hair Mask To Choose?

Since all three I've tried worked wonderfully in moisturizing my scalp, and none of the three gave me breakouts, it's up to my budget which among these I should purchase.

Get Creamsilk if you want a cheap treatment mask that works. Grab L'oreal if you have a few extra pesos to spare and you feel that Creamsilk's rather fluid consistency seems substandard compared to L'oreal's thick cream. And if you want some cooling effect on the scalp plus the feeling of having been given a royal hair treatment, get Purederm's.