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New on the Q Tonight! Tarte's Pure Maracuja Oil

Tarte is launching a new product on the Q tonight at 7pm that you will definitely want to check out. Pure Maracuja Oil is harvested from fruit that grows on vines around the banks of the Amazon. Tarte has started a sustainable harvest cooperative to capture the "puro milagro" oil (pure miracle) for their exclusive use. This annual harvest not only yields the pulp from the Maracuja vines, but also helps employ women of the region. (Even the glass bottle it comes in is recycled!) Check out this video of Maureen's recent visit to the Amazon.

Maracuja Oil may be the next thing your skin can't live without. After six weeks of use, more than 90% of women said that their skin looked:

Rejuvenated and renewed
More radiant and luminous
Fine lines and wrinkles look reduced

After a mere three weeks of use, 88.9% said their skin texture was visibly improved and 90.7% said the overall moisture level of their skin had improved.

This is 100% Pure Maracuja Oil. It hasn't been diluted with anything. This oil contains loads of essential fatty acids, which are known to help repair and rebuild skin, while making it brighter and reducing fine lines. Maracuja Oil is rich in Omega 6, Omega 9, Stearic Acid, Linolenic Acid and Palmitic Acid. It is said to absorb immediately, not leaving behind a greasy film.

Think it's just for dry skin? It's not! While it is hydrating, it does more than just moisturize. It can help balance oily skin, make dull skin brighter and soothe sensitized skin. According to Tarte, this oil does not cause breakouts.

This will debut tonight (2/21/2010) on the Q at 7pm. Maracuja Oil will retail for $46. Are you going to pick it up or wait and see? While I am trying to keep spending to a minimum these days, this might be too good for me to pass up. Thoughts?

ps- A little birdy told me that Tarte also has a pretty fab TSV coming up on 3/14. Check it out here.

Tarte doesn't test on animals.

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