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Do Good: Support Hope For Women

Ever wonder how it is possible for a piece of costume jewelry to cost so little at a big box store? Things often cost so little because of the wages and benefits paid to overseas workers who help produce the product. Ever wish you could support women who are trying to do the best with what they have and make the most of their life for themselves and their family?

Hope For Women is a nonprofit organization that helps women get on their feet and earn a living wage so they can support their family. According to their website:

Hope For Women brings premium quality, Fair Trade products created by women artisans to the mainstream marketplace. We are a socially responsible organization committed to providing sustainable employment for economically disadvantaged women worldwide.
We offer products exclusively made by women so they can take control of their lives and their futures.

Hope For Women is a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation. Every woman is paid a fair, livable wage under safe and healthy working conditions.

(A tagua nut is nestled inside the seed pod.)

Some of their goods include hand-made cards, jewelry made from tagua nuts (which are very hard and beautiful, considered to be the ivory of the rain forest) and the El Salvador Seed Jewelry collection. I got a chance to preview a few handmade cards and a bracelet made from tagua.

(Hope For Women Artisans in India)

The cards in the India collection are made from "tree-free", man-made paper and are pressed with flowers found at the foothills of the Himalayas.

Each card has a hearty, rich feel and is uniquely beautiful.

(Hope for Women Artisans in El Salvador)

My favorite card collection is the Portraits of the Women of El Salvador.

I love them so much, I actually framed two of them. They are truly little works of art!

Tagua jewelry is actually made from tagua nuts, which are found within the seed pods of the ivory-nut palms.

These nuts are collected when the seed pods fall from the trees and therefore do no damage to the rain forest when the nuts are harvested. They are then polished, carved and colored for use in jewelry.

Take a look at the handiwork and artistry of some of the women of India, El Salvador and Colombia. If you can, please consider supporting Hope for Women. What comes around, goes around.

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