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Be Sexy With the 30-Day Shred Workout

Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is honestly working well for me.  If you find jogging difficult to include in your lifestyle, a bit boring, and barely effective in sculpting your body, then this 30-Day Shred Workout is worth all the trouble.

UPDATE: Part 2 on this exercise is HERE.

Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Workout Level 1

I lost the love for jogging (I used to regularly jog 4x a week, at least 30mins) after not doing it for a good number of months. The long hiatus (thanks to the 2010 Holidays) was such a drawback that I'm growing several unflattering inches on my belly and thighs (plus a teeny bit on the arms; however, I find it easier to battle jiggly arms). Needless to say, there's a growing pile of tops that are to snug on the tummy, and bottoms that are too tight halfway through the thighs. Terrible.

The Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is composed of 3 Levels of training. It takes 10 days before you progress to the next level. (I'm currently on Level 1, Day 8). Each level has several sets of 3-minute strength training, 2-minute cardio and a minute of abs workout; you get to spend 30-minutes tops on this training program.

36-yr old Jillian posing for Red Book, 2010
Photo Source

The Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is heaven-sent. I already feel my body getting back in good shape. I remember Day 1, I'm already sweating badly on the 5th-minute mark on the video (my endurance vanished in thin air after the tapered training). I'm barely sweating after 15 minutes of jogging.

I have a long list of insights on this wonderful workout. I'll fill you in with the best tips on how to make this program cut off a huge chunk of fat from your body. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the 30-Day Shred Workout post on Tuesday!