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LORAC's 3D Spring Collection

LORAC's spring 2011 collection recently launched at Sephora, at Ulta and online (although not all items are available at all stores). Several items caught my eye.

The first is the 3D Liquid Lustre Shimmering Top Coat, a dazzling sparkle that can be added to your eyes, cheeks or décolleté and that lasts until you take it off. You only need the tiniest amount of this Liquid Lustre to pump up the wattage anywhere on your face. It adds a luminous shimmer with the tiniest bits of sparkle.

This will last you forever as a little goes a long way. I've found the best way to use this is to put a small drop on the back of your hand and then use your finger to dab it wherever you want. I love this over a flesh-toned primer for a naturally glowing look.

Since I picked this up last week, I can't stop wearing it. The best part? It's $16.

LORAC also released a lovely six shade shadow Multiplex 3D Eye Shadow Palette for spring, with three warm and three cool tones. (This is a Sephora exclusive.) While I think warm and cool colors are a great guide, I really believe anyone can wear almost anything - it just depends on how you do it!

This compact is really pretty. The warmer colors include a light golden color, a deeper bronze and the very confused greenish rose.

When I swatch the latter with my finger, there is a bit of the teal-ish green, but when I blend it, the color transfers to more of a rose tone.

I actually think it's a very pretty color and not something I see everyday (although it does remind me of something from MAC I use to love eons ago).

The second row of colors are the cool ones, and probably my favorites. The silver is as icy as the blue is frosty (and crazy pigmented!).

The black with golden flecks can go as deep as you want it to, or use a light touch to smoke out an eye.

What colors do you like? For $16, you should definitely look at the Liquid Lustre. That stuff is serious fun!

Product was sent for review. LORAC doesn't test on animals.

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