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New From tarte: Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush

I recently scored this bright peach blush from tarte (my twitpal EyelinerOnTheCat would probably like it).

Tipsy is a really pretty pigmented peach blush that adds a wallop of color to your cheeks. And thanks to the Amazonian Clay, it claims to last for 12 hours. But does it? Blush, more so than any other product, seems to skeet right off my face faster than you can say "skeet right off my face."

So I am going to put it to the test!

I wore this blush with my regular liquid foundation and my Face Perfector to finish my look.

Did it last a full 12 hours?

My day was really hectic on the day I officially tested this. I was at work by 9am (on a blisteringly cold day) and was there doing tv stuff until 4, when I left for a mongo Karma Dogs event, where hundreds of kids would take the Oath of Kindness. Then I left that program mid-stream to race across Baltimore to make it to a doctor's appointment. So did the color hold up?

By the end of a long day, it's still there. It's not quite as vibrant as it was, but it's still there!

Tarte sent this for review. Tarte doesn't test on animals.

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