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Dalton Fresh Coat Tinted Primer with SPF 20

I'm always looking for ways for my skin to look naturally flawless, without looking caked with foundation. Some primers help extend the wear of foundation and some help prep the skin to look airbrushed. Some primers even reduce redness or uneven tone. It's a rare product that does all three.

Dalton's Fresh Coat Tinted Primer actually does a nice job of doing all three things. And it even gives you some sun protection with an SPF of 20!

(Blended into the skin. It becomes virtually colorless. The yellowness disappears.)

You only need a little bit of this weightless mousse to help even out your skin. It reminds me of the much more expensive primer/foundation from Perfekt. I know loads of people had previous issues with the pump on this product. When I got my product, I thought I had gotten a bum bottle as well. Then I realized (thanks to the nifty label) that you have to turn the entire top slightly to open the pump. I haven't had any problems with the pump (once I read the label.)

I've found that my foundation wears much longer on days when I use this product. It also does help even out my skin tone, which I love! That said, I have very pale skin. If you aren't similarly pale, this may not work on your skin tone.

If you are a fan of light, mousse-like primers that make your skin feel like silk without feeling like you are wearing a ton of silicone, then you will like this!

Product was sent for review. Dalton does not test on animals.

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