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Getting To Know the Beautyland Tour Guides: Meet Anne from Beauty Xpose

This week, meet my beautiful blogging buddy, Anne Houseman of Beauty Xpose. Not only is she a good friend of mine, she is also a contributing writer for Gouldylox Reviews.

I first met her on Twitter, where she gave me a SOOOTD (shout out of the day), which still hangs proudly on my wall at work. (Below the picture of me kissing a pit bull, Hughie, which I think may still need to find a home.)

We finally met at the Bill Bateman's at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, on purpose, which is now "our place". We've had a few adventures/misadventures and are heading out to the Independent Spirit Awards (hopefully from the same airport) at the end of the month. I can't wait!

When I asked Anne for help writing an intro for her "Getting To Know" piece, she delightfully gave me this. See? She's super helpy like that.

And she's right. She can dance.

Check out her blog at Beauty Xpose. As if you didn't already know all you need to know about her, here's the answers to your burning blogging questions, in her own words.

When did you start blogging and why? My blogging partner in crime, Kristin Bassett and I began BeautyXposé two years ago. At the time, we loved reading individual makeup blogs and beauty/style magazines, so we wanted to create a hybrid of the two, featuring both personal product reviews and editorial-style features. We also wanted to be a little zany. For example, we dedicated one post to creating haiku's to our lost loved ones (discontinued beauty items). Along the way, we've brought on some amazingly talented contributors, and we are pleased to offer our readers a variety of topics!

Every blog seems to have a special voice - what's the message on your blog? Since we have several contributors, each of us have our own voice. But, I'd have to say that overall we can be quite sassy if the timing's right. Just take a look at any of our "WTF of the Week" columns! I personally have an unhealthy obsession with puns and wordplay, so you'll see a lot of that in my articles.

Have you always been a beauty fanatic or did it come later in life for you? What made it blossom? I sprang forth from the womb wearing red stilettos and clutching a Glamour magazine. At least that's what they tell me.

Tell us a little about yourself. I'm kind of Sybil-esque -- meaning I have a lot of different sides to my personality that are all really "me". One day my style will be retro pin-up diva and the next, a rocker chick. My husband likes the variety, so I guess that's good! Overall though, I think I have a "classic" cosmopolitan feel to my style and beauty preferences.

What's your daily beauty routine? Given that I'm constantly testing beauty products, it can vary. But if I"m left to my own devices, I start with cleansing using my Clarisonic, toning with Dr. Hauschka Facial Toner and moisturizing with Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream (in the winter, anyway). If I'm leaving my house (I work from home), I'll apply my makeup, which is really different depending on my mood. What does stay the same - my Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Extreme foundation, Shiseido Bronzer and Maybelline Colossal Xtreme mascara. Everything else is a crap shoot depending on the day

How many lipsticks/glosses can be found in your handbag at any given time? Two, though I try to keep it to one if I can -- I switch my glosses as I switch up my purses.

What's the best beauty advice you've ever received? It's going to sound cliché, but it's true -- beauty comes from the inside out. I look for the beauty in everyone and everything. It's amazing what you see when you're really looking!

What's the most surprising thing you have learned since starting your blog? I'm constantly surprised and inspired every time someone comments. It's like "Someone's actually reading this and I"m not just writing to myself??" I love interacting with readers and hope they keep coming back!

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