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Adventures in Beautyland: Prepping for the Independent Spirit Awards

Recently, I've gotten a major opportunity for some serious fun. And with all of the drama that has been going on in my non-blog life, I am ready to enjoy the weekend in LA with several of my blogging friends.

While the weekend will be full of beauty and blogging and lovely, lovely things, I am most excited about going to the Independent Spirit Awards. It's not just that I love Joel McHale and hope to see the stars of Winter's Bone. I really love movies.

(Buried is intense. If you have claustrophobia issues, you may not make it through the whole movie.)

I watch a lot of movies (and television). Last weekend, we watched five. (Buried was intense and excellent. Never Let Me Go looked beautiful and was the opposite of what I would expect from the guy who directed all of those Nine Inch Nail music videos in the 90's.) Loxy loves movies even more than me. He can listen to movie dialogue, hear the sound of the score and identify the movie, without ever looking at the screen. Usually in under 45 seconds.

(Never Let Me Go has a better second half than first half, but the whole thing is gorgeous.)

Needless to say, I'm EXCITED.

It also poses a small problem. While all girly and into makeup and stuff, I am also a bit of a shy tomboy. Going to a Hollywood award show means some kind of glamour, even if it is Independent. Here's the thing.

I am bad at dressing myself.

I'm even worse when it comes to wearing girly shoes. I wear motorcycle boots almost every day. I can't walk in heels - I fall. Once, an orthopedist looked at the way I was standing and asked if I fell a lot. He suggested I avoid heels and stick to my boots. He didn't know what I should do in the summer, but felt it imperative I avoid most heels.

(Scout and I almost even have the same haircut.)

Don't believe me? Ask Anne from Beauty Xpose (who is also going to the ISA's). She was on speed dial and texted me continuously while I was looking for shoes. I'm helpless with these things. Questions like, "It's not quite camel, it's more like my foot if it was made into a (faux) patent leather, is that still ok?" were normal and constant. That Anne is a saint.

So what does my plus-size, movie-loving, tomboy-self wear to an awards show? When I asked my friends, my list of requirements were outlandish* and they grew tired of my queries quickly. Luckily, I found something lovely, fast. And found jewelry that makes me happy, which no one else is likely to rock. (I'm much better with accessories. At least the kind you wear and not carry.)

My next decisions? What makeup to take with me. This is a whirlwind trip and I don't want to lug a million things with me. This coming from the girl with gobs of lip gloss in her purse every day and a vanity whose top is rarely seen. I'd love to hear your ideas, so leave them in the comments or send me an email. I will say this about my dress, it's not black (but is dark) and my accessories are varying metallics.

(Paget easily has the longest lashes of anyone at the BAU and possibly of anyone on television.)

While broadcast at night, the actual awards ceremony is during the day. I'm certainly not likely to be caught on the red carpet, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about a makeup scheme. My lashes are getting crazy at this point. I'm practically a lash double for Paget Brewster. I'd love to play them up. Ideas? I would love to hear them! Leave them in the comments or email me!

My list of requirements for things needed for this trip:
*No leather
*Obviously no fur
*Can carry items needed for working
*Not so fancy that I feel like a fish on a bicycle
*Upcycled when possible
* Not over 2 inches high
*Avoids showing my monkey feet as much as possible
*Not easily wrinkled/destroyed by me

*Not expensive
*Not cheap looking

Aveeno sponsors an award at the Independent Spirit Awards and is fully responsible (along with Recyclebank) for my attending the event.

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