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The Oddest Thing Happened When I Revisited Skin Hour's Mattifying Day Cream

I first raved about Skinhour's Mattifying Day Cream last October 2009.  I got the chance to use it for around a month and a half before I fell in love with Clinique's DDMG impulsively.  And so I was a Skinhour-turned-Clinique fan for almost a year until now.
Skinhour Mattifying Day Cream: used and scratched!

I don't know... Clinique's DDMG just suddenly lost its magic on me.  I still find my dry jaws flaking after smearing it with my ex-HG moisturizer.  I was suddenly flooded with acne on my chin and I haven't been using new stuff, except that I noticed how oilier my tzone is becoming.  I stopped moisturizing for more than a week to see if it was indeed Clinique's fault.

For over a week sans a moisturizer, I noticed how I stopped breaking out, however, my skin lacked the soft and supple look.  This lead me to revisit an old friend.  My good old primer/moisturizer/sunblock --- Skinhour's Mattifying Day Cream!

I'm glad it hasn't expired yet (thanks, fridge).  Although it looks more tattered and torn now (I used to bring this with me everywhere), it still delivers the way it used to.
Yipee, there's still some left in the tub!

Funny, I read through my first take on this prod and among the things I didn't like about it was:

I used to hate Skinhour's Mattifying Cream for breaking me out on the chin!  My antidote was Clinique's DDMG.  Now everything's reversed!  Now, how weird is that??!  If I haven't revisited my mattifying day cream, I wouldn't have known that these odd things can happen.  Has anyone of you experienced this, too?