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Drink It In: Votre Vu Snap Dragon

Last summer, I reviewed a drink for your skin that worked nicely, but tasted less than desirable. This summer, I got the chance to check out a similar good-for-your-skin beverage by Votre Vu.

Snap Dragon is a drink that contains "Mango, Pomegranate and Acai Berry. The flavors are blended with an antioxidant mélange of red, white, and green teas. Collagen has been added to restore the skin, along with a re-balancing botanical boost from Aloe Vera, Foti, Ginkgo Biloba, and Baobab Fiber. Free of sugar and preservatives, the recipe is topped off with a healthy garnish of seven daily vitamins."

It's clearly packed with all kinds of skin-benefiting ingredients, but is it drinkable? Even better, does it taste good? Would you want to drink it? What stopped me from adding the previous drink to my daily regimen is that while it worked, I didn't look forward to drinking it.

That isn't the case for Snap Dragon. This drink is as delicious as it is vitamin-packed. It doesn't have preservatives or added sugar and if I could, I could easily see me subbing this for my beloved diet drink of choice. Snap Dragon is available in a variety of sizes and probably costs less than you would expect. I loved the taste - check it out!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Votre Vu does not test on animals.

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