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Buxom Stay-There Cream Shadow Swatches: Shih Tzu, Black Lab & Mutt

While I haven't had a chance to wear these to determine creasing and fading (updated at the bottom!), I am excited to share swatches of three of the new Buxom Cream Eyeshadows. I received Shih Tzu, Mutt and Black Lab to check out in advance. These, along with their other pooch pals, hit stores in August exclusively at Sephora and will retail for $17.oo each. While I haven't seen it, I have been told there is a brush created to go with these cream shadows.

I swatched these with my fingers. When I apply for real tomorrow, I will probably want to use a brush. My nails make it a little tricky to get the product out. If you have any brush suggestions, please tell me! I recently got a BE Brush that is pink and flat that might work really well, but may not be flexible enough. Maybe it was from the Happiness Kit? Please give me your suggestions!

Meet Black Lab. I am loving how this looks - there is so much sparkle and the color is buildable. This swatch is with two swipes of color. With only one, the color was much less saturated. I like how two passes of color gives a nice depth, without losing any of the glitter.

Next is my personal favorite type of dog, the Mutt. This is a golden-taupey brown that looks different depending on how the light hits it.

Finally, meet Shih Tzu. This celadon green can be played up or down and has endless possibilities.

These cream shadows are all soft in texture and blend very easily. I have a feeling it will be very important to make sure you keep the top sealed as tightly as possible to stop them from drying out (like any soft cream shadow or liner). I am really liking the colors so far (and sure I will end up picking up most their "friends"!) What dogs are you planning on "adopting"? Will you pick the colors that you like or the dog breed you like? Or both?

This morning I am wearing Shih Tzu and Black Lab (along with a Big and Bright Liner in Intense Black, FD Volumizing Mascara and BE Brow Powder in Auburn.) I didn't wear a primer, so we will see how the creasing goes! I'll update at the end of the day to let you know about how it wore throughout the day.

I am happy to report I didn't have any creasing, whatsoever! However, the colors had faded by the end of the day and weren't quite as vibrant as when I had started. Today, I am wearing the same look, but with the Original Eyelid Primer. The colors are even more vibrant with the primer and haven't faded one bit since I put it on about 5 hours ago.

(With the OEP, about five hours after applying.)

Here is a swatch of Schnauzer. It's gorgeous! Schnauzer is a sparkle filled plum that glistens when the light hits it. Love it! Also added are St. Bernard and Bulldog.

(St. Bernard & Bulldog)

(Bulldog and St. Bernard)

I purchased the Schnauzer, St. Bernard and Bulldog color. All other Stay-There Shadows and B&B Eyeliner were sent to me for the purposes of review. I purchased the FD Volumizing Mascara and Brow Powder in Auburn.

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