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So recently on a trip to my grandmother's house, I stumbled across a stack of fashion rags including VOGUE, ELLE, and HARPER'S BAZAAR, and I only have to say one thing: SHAME ON YOU! While the model, stylist, and photographer recieve full, bold credits at the beginning of the shoot, the hair and makeup artists barely recieve credit at all.

Is not hair and makeup just as much art as styling the shoot or dressing the models? As far as I am concerned, this is unacceptable, and periodicals that are claiming to be the forefront of art and style should know better. They need to look at the REAL HIGH FASHION books like W and V and learn how to properly credit their artists. And let's be honest, Tom Ford didn't actually design that Gucci dress, some assistant did. At least I had the creativity to come up my own looks for makeup I do.