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Biolage Thermal Active Repair Cream

As my hair gets longer, I have had fun looking for products to help deal with what the majority of women have been dealing with for years - flyaway hair, frizzy hair and hair that is easily damaged by heated styling tools. I have found a few things that work nicely, but since I haven't had hair past my ears in more than 15 years, I have a lot to check out!

My hair is currently in a very short bob (not quite chin length), but in Baltimore's humid weather, I need help! My hair is basically thick and straight - and loves to change into a blobby, unmanageable texture. It doesn't get large or frizzy, it just doesn't behave and feels meh.

I tried Biolage's New Thermal Cream, which offers protection from hot styling tools and claims to keep the frizzies at bay. And thanks to ceramides, mango seed and coconut oil, it actually helps repair your hair. After testing it on my shorter hair, and my pal's fairly long locks, we both came to the same conclusions.

1. It smells wonderful. It's the Biolage signature scent and I love it!

2. A little goes a long way. It doesn't take a lot of product to get the desired results. Even better, it doesn't feel like you have a ton of gunk in your hair. Your hair still feels clean, healthy and happy.

3. The Thermal Cream actually kept both of our hair from frizzing or getting out of control for the whole day. Considering the motto in Maryland is practically, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity", that is saying something!

4. Our hair didn't feel fried or stiff after styling with a flat iron. It felt delightfully soft and smooth! Score!

The only downfall is that it didn't add shine. If it had, it would have been perfect! I suppose for that, I should invest in some Biolage Active Repair Gloss.

Have you tried this? Love it? Did something else work better ? Tell me! I'm new to long hair!

Product sent to me for the purposes of review. I am unable to determine their animal testing status.

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