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Long hair can be very difficult to care for.  The top could be oily, and the ends dry, you deal with things like split ends and brassy highlights.  

1. WASH IT! But only every other day.  Washing your hair can dry it out excessively, and unless you are running a marathon on a daily basis, every other day should be sufficient to keep your hair looking fresh, without over drying. Using a shampoo with a keratin complex will add shine and strength to long hair styles, like this one from LIQUID KERATIN.
$27 - Liquid Keratin

2. CONDITION! CONDITION! CONDITION! Unlike short hair, long hair should be conditioned every time you shampoo, but only on the ends.  Keeping conditioner towards the ends of your hair will reduce split ends, and keep any oil that may be in conditioner away from your scalp, ensuring that the every other day washing technique does, in fact, work. Since shampoo and conditioner from the same collection are designed to work together, I would also recommend the LIQUID KERATIN conditioner.

$29 - Liquid Keratin

3. COMB IT! While your hair is still wet, run a wide toothed comb through it.  This will help straighten it and remove some excess water.  Use caution though, as wet hair is more elastic than dry hair and can stretch and break very easily.  My girlfriends are OBSESSED with the Shower Detangler from MEBCO!

$2 - Drugstores Nationwide

4. AVOID HEAT! Unless you are going to a formal affair, try to stay away from blow dryers,  curling irons, and flat irons, as they WILL RUIN your beautiful hair.  

5. LET IT DOWN! If you are going to want to put your hair up all the time, you should go with a shorter style, as its not good for hair to be up all of the time, as it causes crimping and breakage.

6. GET IT TRIMMED! Long hair is at a very high risk for split ends, ESPECIALLY if you color and use heat on your hair regularly.  Getting it trimmed every 4-6 weeks will remove split ends and keep hair growing at a healthy rate.

Remember, once your hair is damaged, you have to start over, so eat right and take care of it, or you will end up with a very short style (and not by choice!).