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End of June Hair Update: Peter Lamas Chinese Herbs, Month 2

I'll make this short and sweet. It's still growing faster than fast, thanks to Peter Lamas Hair Care. Check out my review of his Chinese Herbs from last month here.

Here is what my hair looked like at the end of May.

Below is what it looked like after my second month using Peter Lamas Chinese Herb shampoo, conditioner and revitalizing mist.

(My hair as of the end of June.)

This bang is making my brain hurt. How do people ever grow them out? I have jumped ship on having no bangs and wait with bated breath for someone to cancel an appointment with my stylist so I can hack cute, thinned-out bangs into my hair.

(Another view of my hairs at the end of June.)

I tried to photoshop the bangs I wanted on to my head to preview them, but it didn't go well or I would share. I have hacked into them enough to be tolerable, but I am still bugged by them. So advance apologies, B, when you actually see what I did to them.

Either way, it's almost a bob, which has come a long way in January!

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