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Three Custom Color Lipstick: Ssh...It's a Secret!

I love reading magazines - especially Allure and Marie Claire. I love to look at the models in the pages and try to dissect what makeup they are wearing. I promise you that every magazine tutorial on how to do your makeup leaves out the little details. You know, the details that don't really matter. Perhaps it's lining your lower eye rim with a flesh-toned pencil. Or adding a bit of a sculpting blush under the tinted moisturizer. Or maybe it is adding vaseline to your eyelid or lashes to make them really shine. They don't do it to make us crazy. They do it to make the product and the face look good on film and in print. They do the same thing on food shoots for television. Having worked on lots of these shoots personally, I promise you that you don't want to eat the food that is on set, under the camera. You want the dryer, less golden version that hasn't been sprayed with WD-40. But I digress. The point is, magazines and photographers do the same thing - not give you the full scoop.

(Bite into this, I dare you. That icing is whipped shortening!)

However, I think I have found one or two of the secret products you may not hear about. I mentioned one the other day. My latest discovery is another lipstick by Three Custom Color Specialists. It's called Whisper and gives your lips a hint of nude-flecked-golden shimmer. It's the color that girls on the beach on television look like they might be wearing, despite the fact they claim it's "just the color of their lips".
Born that way, my tuckus. And I know for a fact that Three Custom Color products have been making their way around the Gossip Girl and Showtime sets. This color also comes in a gloss, which I haven't tried. But it's next on my list and I bet I won't be disappointed.

(Me wearing Whisper. I thought about adding a lip primer to smooth out lines and a highlight on the bow of my lip to make my lips have a more luscious shape, but that seemed wrong.)

I bought this with my own shekels.

Photo by Ruth Black , me and Three Custom Color Specialists

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