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Genius or Fail? The Anti-Powder Face Finisher

Since I am all about cream makeup in the new year, I have been looking for cream everything. Shadows, blushes, foundations, brow makeup - if it is cream, I want to try it. The downside is that I always feel like I have to set my makeup with a powder, which no matter how translucent, always looks like I have on a powder. (Insert wah-wah horn here.)

Recently, a line I adore, Mally Beauty, came out with a Poreless Face Defender. This is not a powder, but rather a different way to set your makeup. But it is hopelessly back-ordered on the Q. While lamenting about this with beauty blogger pals Paula and Carla, Paula pointed out that the reviews on the product online remind her of Avon's Magix, a primer we both really like.

Thus began the beauty experiment: can you add a silicone-based primer on top of your finished face and have it set your makeup for the day? So far, I have only tested this theory in the lab that is my beauty nook (the area of the house I created so I don't have to share a bathroom with Loxy. In reality, it's a tiny alcove, but it is filled with beauty stuff.)

(Me before adding the second layer of primer. I am very bright eyed and bushy-tailed apparently.)

For testing purposes, I have tried it with two primers. On one side of my face, I used Avon Magix as a primer, Three Custom Concealer/Foundation Creme and Avon Magix on top. On the other side I used Mally Perfect Prep Poreless Primer as a primer, Three Custom Concealer/Foundation Creme and finished with more Mally PPPP.

The result? Holy diffused everything! Talk about putting a soft focus on everything. I almost wonder if I look blurry to people around me. On the Magix side, it works, but also kind of fails. The primer makes the foundation sink into my pores, making little dots on my face where I have slightly larger pores. On the Mally side, however, things are looking glorious. I don't have the pore-dots and my fine lines look as diminished as Barbara Walters looks in a cushy interview.

If you aren't careful, this can make things smear everywhere. So a light touch is a MUST. A little goes a LONG way. I actually used a stippling brush to apply this very lightly to minimize streaking or smudging. The bigger question is will this set my makeup or help it rub off ASAP? I think if you lightly blot it, it helps it set, but I will need to come back and update this later today and let you know. In the meantime, here is a picture of me this morning. What do you think?

(Me post primer. The blush is softer and everything is diffused. I like it as of now.)

Update: It's now 10am, about 2 hours after I did my makeup this morning. I still look ok, but I think the primer may have eaten through my cream blush. This may not have the effect I was hoping. This genius idea may be turning into a colossal fail. It's too early to tell.

(Photo taken at 1:15. Meh. I do like the lip stick. It's Bobbi Brown Coral Reef)

Update 2: It's a little after 1:15 and while I feel like my foundation is worn away more than normal, it still looks pretty good. My blush is showing again, so I am guessing the top layer of primer is gone? All in all, my lines look a little more diffused than usual. I guess I am still on the fence. Maybe this primer has too much slip and I need to try something less "slippy".

Have you tried this? How did it work for you? Tell me in the comments!

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