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Adventures in Beautyland: Rejuvenize Peel from La Papillon Spa, Pt. 2

I am determined to fix the damage I have caused my skin by not protecting it from the sun, so I am opting to get a chemical peel from a Medi-Spa, La Papillon. Ever wondered how these things work, if they hurt or what you will look like during and after the peel process? Keep reading!
Here is how pale I am, when wearing foundation. I have sun damage, but with the right makeup, I am able to blend and cover. However, I have a real problem finding foundation that can straddle the line between my face and neck, as they are totally different colors. Despite what everyone who works for MAC thinks, I prefer to be more pale than very yellow. It's a problem.

(None of my skin looks normal. Also, I look like a Pre-Cog from Minority Report.)

Here is my skin under a Woods Lamp. Those dark spots are sun damage that is just waiting to become visible on my skin. I am relieved to see one spot on my nose isn't a hot mess under this lamp. In reality, I think I have scar tissue from either falling out of a tree or from falling off my bike while bike-dancing to "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn", which I am sure shows up differently. Good googamooga. Here are a few more reasons to wear a lot of sunscreen, floppy hats and stay out of the sun.

(At least you can finally see how short my lashes are. And they are longer than normal here.)

(The bigger question is why do I look like Montgomery Burns?)

My hope is that this peel will help erase some of this sun damage, make my skin look more luminous, younger and diminish fine lines. It's a lot to ask, but it is also a serious peel.

La Papillon Spa, the medi-spa who performed the peel, is under a doctor's supervision and is trained in administering this peel. Madeleine, the owner of La Papillon, explained what she was about to do.

"I am going to start by double cleansing your skin. Then I am going to remove every trace of oil with isopropyl alcohol. Then, I will begin the peel by wiping your skin with solution-infused gauze. I am going be a little on the aggressive side in places where you have more damage and gently pat the solution on in areas that are more delicate, like around your mouth and eyes. It won't hurt, but it will tingle and you may want to breathe through your mouth."

Madeleine wanted to make sure that I was prepared to not be hot when I returned home that night. (I assure you, I am normally a stone cold fox* at home.) So she sent my on my way with the following instructions:

Try not to wash your face.
Don't touch your face tonight - use a Q-tip.
Don't let anyone kiss or lick your face tonight. ( I have dogs people. Loxy doesn't lick my face regularly.)
Use the SkinMedica cleanser (she sent me home with goodies) and the SPF tomorrow. That's it.

She said I can expect to start peeling in 24-48 hours and I should NEVER pick at the skin as it peels. (That is going to be hard.) She said I can try to wear makeup, but it will look weird as I begin to peel (ala Death Becomes Her, I imagine.). She reminded me that most people opt to stay home during the peeling process and not volunteer or go to the office, like me. Lucky for me, a snowstorm is coming, so I will have no choice but to stay home.

This is Madeleine and I last night when I left. The yellow tinge is normal and faded in a few hours, allowing me to resume being foxy* at home. When I left, my skin was tender and felt like I had just applied some strong acids to it. In fact, I had, so that is totally normal.

(12 hours after the peel.No makeup, except for eyes and gloss.)

How did I look 12 hours later? Pretty much the same. No peeling, no redness. My face does feel like I have a killer sunburn, but that is to be expected, I am sure. I do feel like I should be putting that green aloe gel you use in the summer on burns, but I don't want to impede the peeling process. In this pic I am only wearing a bit of eye makeup. No powder, no nothing. Only an SPF.

(Me at 24 hours. No makeup, just some BE Lip Balm. I am ready for some peeling action!)

At the 24 hour point, my face still feels very tight and as if it got too much sun. It certainly doesn't hurt, but definitely feels as if it has undergone a process of some kind. There has not been any peeling yet.

*Lie. Total lie. I am a sweat pants and husband's oversized t- shirt kinda gal.

The spa provided the peel for the purposes of review.
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