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New Primer Obsession : BritePrep FX

Several primers have come across my vanity recently and a few of them really stand out. One of my favorites is BritePrep FX by Cover FX. Normally I don't like non-silicone feeling primers, but I can forgive this one because it is so otherwise amazing.

BritePrep is a primer that helps your makeup stay on all day, which is always good. But here is why it is better: it makes your skin look mucho radiant under your makeup. I am all about looking more pale than tan and this primer does just that. Think of it as a radiance booster and primer in one. But even better, it also contains an SPF of 50. So you are preventing sun damage and boosting the appearance of your skin while lessening the appearance of pores and fine lines. And in clinical trials, this product even lightened dark spots, caused by aging. What more could you ask for?

It goes on smoothly, makes my foundation look amazingly creamy and perfect, while boosting my complexion to look it's most radiant. It literally adds a pinkish, silver-ish glow to your skin, without looking overdone, shiny or sparkle-y. Love it!

Have you tried this? Love it? What is your favorite primer?

This product was sent to me for review by a company/pr firm.

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