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Finding the Perfect Peach: Peach Blush Super Swatch-tacular

For months, I have been all over any blush that wasn't pink, purple or brown. I have a lot of pink in my skin, and while I am drawn to pink blush, it has been hinted at - by much more makeup-savvy people than I - that pink blush on my easily flushed skin is similar to a disaster.

So my quest began. Then one evening, while strolling in Walgreens (yes, I stroll in Walgreens) Loxy said, "I know it has a NEW! sticker on it, but I think you have that color." Granted, I have a lot of makeup. Believe it or not, I think I had more a few years ago, way before I started writing about it. But if Loxy was telling me I already had a particular color and he understood that this color was a light peach, with a slight shimmer with cool undertones and no glitter in a cream base, it was starting to sink in that maybe I had gone to far.

So here, for your perusal, are swatches of most of my peach blushes, in the hopes that you can find what may be your perfect peach blush. And maybe it will inspire you to try something new OR remind you to walk away from the makeup counter if you truly already have that color.

I believe I have the peach cheek market covered. There is one more color I am dying to try, but it isn't available at my Sephora yet. I will be sure to let you know when I pick it up. In the meantime, I promise to walk away from the peach blush. Unless I don't have anything like it.

Do you have these? Am I missing something amazing? What is your favorite? (Based on the swatches, mine might be both TEMPTU colors.)

Out of all of those swatches, the only one that was given to me for the purposes of review was Tarte Eco-Cheek.

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