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MAD Minerals Satin Glow Finishing Powder

I am all about the cream finishes lately. That said, a finishing powder is still a must for me. I just like how it pulls my skin together, blending everything flawlessly, so my face looks perfect (as perfect as can be, anyway). It is hard to find a finishing powder that isn't a powder. Believe me, I have been looking. In fact, something is currently back ordered on QVC that is a finishing powder anti-powder. So until it arrives (fingers crossed!) I found this from Mad Minerals.

Imagine taking a fine sheet of satin, or maybe a delicate gossamer, and having it float gently onto your skin, melting into your face, giving you a bit of a glow, without the sparkle. That is what Mad Minerals Satin Glow Finishing Powder does.

(An extreme close up of my hand with Mad Minerals Satin Glow streaked on my hand.)

It gives you a satiny finish, with a bit of dewy glow, without leaving you sparkly or shiny. It helps make your makeup look seamless and perfectly blended, while diminishing fine lines. It is one of the first things from Mad Minerals I have tried and I love it! Check it out here and buy it in any one of the six sizes offered.

(Here it is, blended and leaving behind a delicate glow. It's dreamy.)

I bought this, despite the fact it made me feel like I am cheating on my pal Robyn.

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