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Riversol Skincare: Good For The Great Outdoors

(My neighbor's house during the second heavy storm/blizzard to hit Baltimore in one week.)

I was recently asked to try a new line of products from a Canadian dermatologist, Dr. Jason Rivers. He believes that Thujaplicin, a natural extract of the Red Cedar Tree, is an extremely powerful antioxidant. Combined with vitamins C and E and a variety of time-honored moisturizers, Dr. Rivers believes he has created an effective anti-aging treatment line that is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. This line is formulated to provide hydrating benefits in harsh weather conditions, so it came to my door at precisely the right time. (And yes, I am sure you can use this year round, smarty-pants.)

The Tplus line includes 2 different cleansers, 3 moisturizers, a serum and an eye cream. This smaller line of products makes finding the right product easy without having to navigate an extensive product line. I briefly tried the Eye Cream, which also contains antioxidants from the Pacific Red Cedar Tree. I found it to be very emollient and hydrating. While Dr. Rivers suggests that this one product is perfect for everyone with sensitive skin, I would caution those who are prone to milia (those tiny white bumps), as this formula is incredibly "thick". The formula does sink into your skin, leaving it well hydrated.

I also tried the Tplus Daily Cream Cleanser which did a nice job of cleansing my face, without leaving it feeling as if it had been stripped. This product also did a fine job of removing my makeup. It is also a hydrating cleanser, so if you already have oily skin, this probably isn't for you. My skin is very dry, so this felt calming and hydrating.

Because this line is so extremely moisturizing (mineral oil is the second ingredient in both products I have tried so far), I would suggest this product for someone with very dry skin. If you are also likely to be outside often, this seems like a great option to keep your face hydrated and protected. The Tplus line was also recently chosen to the skin care line for the Canadian Freestyle Ski Olympic Team. Be sure to check out their skin and see how they look during the Freestyle Ski Event coverage during the Olympics.

I should also mention that this line does not currently contain an SPF rating, so please don't forget to add your sunscreen! The fact there is no SPF protection did, in all honesty, bum me out. Dr. Rivers is perhaps most famous for his work teaching others how to prevent skin cancer, so I was excited to see what his product offered. A rep for this line has assured me that he is hard at work developing the perfect sunscreen that meets all of the new SPF criteria. Because of the melanoma prevention work to which Dr. Rivers has dedicated a large portion of his career, I have hopes that this sunscreen product will be something special. Also, this product line does contain parabens, so if you are avoiding that ingredient, this may not be for you. However, Dr. Rivers has addressed the use of parabens on his website, so check it out if you are curious.

You don't have to be a member of an Olympic Freestyle Ski Team to try the Tplus system. Three lucky readers will win their own Tplus Daily Program sample system! Just leave a comment and tell me your favorite outdoor activity and you could win one for yourself!

For extra entries, leave a comment on Facebook or retweet this post (make sure to leave @Gouldylox in the tweet!) A winner will be randomly drawn on February 18th. Be sure to leave an email (or log in using a profile with contact info) so I can get in touch with you! Winners will have 48 hours to respond, once they have been notified.

This product was sent to me for the purpose of review.

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