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This Year, I Will Try New Things.

It's the new year, which means I am forced to look back at the past year and think I how I can do better in 2010. I am really happy to live in my comfortable, safe little world, doing the same things over and over again. However, I worry my life will go by in a blur and I will miss it if I don't stretch out of my comfort zone a little. I watch too much television. I don't get enough exercise. I don't drink enough water. I always have really short hair. I wear a lot of mineral makeup. That said, it's nice in my little world. But it's time to stretch. So this year, here are my resolutions:

1. Eat better.
2. Exercise more often.
3. Drink water, sometimes.
4. Grow my hair.
5. Branch out of my makeup comfort zone.

I think the two hardest things on this list for me will be growing my hair and drinking water. I can eat better. It's not easy, but I can do it. Growing my hair though, that will be hard.

As for makeup, I like to wear a lot of mineral makeup. I love the eye shadows. But I want to find a liquid foundation that makes my skin glow. I want to find the best skin care products on the market that seriously work (which means products in jars are going to be hard-pressed to be on my good side). I am also going to try to break my lip gloss obsession, opting for creamy lipsticks. Oh yeah. And finally, I am going to try to spend less money on makeup.

We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, what foundation and lipsticks should I try? And if you have any suggestions for rapid hair growth, leave me a comment.

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