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Cover Girl Smoky Shadowblast

I saw an ad for these Cover Girl Smoky Shadowblasts on New Year's Eve and will admit that I started looking for them in stores on January 1. I finally found them at my Target and picked up the two shown above. I was so excited about trying them I almost tore into them in the car. But it was really cold. And windy. So I waited until I got home.

I tried the green and brown one first. I wanted to love these, I really did. However, my initial reaction was a big meh. I didn't use a primer and perhaps if I did, it would have made them less "slippery" and have more staying power. It creased the first time I blinked. I took it off and tried again. This time, to build color, I tried adding sheer layers to increase the green shade. Here is a picture of my eye within 20 minutes of applying the color.

(Not good. Even the brown liner can't hold its own when used with this cream shadow.)

The green is all but gone and the brown is a muddy mess. See? Meh.

Next I tried the gray-ish purple combo, officially called Silver Sky. The Smoky portion of it still didn't fare too well, but the lighter color worked as a cream shadow. The darker shade just didn't really show up when I tried it as a contour/liner. At least when I used it with a primer, it didn't crease terribly. Sadly, it lost most of its pigment within a few hours.

Above is the lighter color on the lid 4 hours after I applied it. (The liner is a mineral eyeshadow from The She Space. That shadow normally stays put, but not against this cream shadow.) Not good. I wanted to love these, but instead, I would love my money back.

I purchased this because I thought it would be slightly usable.

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