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Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller

Recently a co-worker of mine*, Grace, asked for help finding a product that would help with her under eye issues. While I think she is gorgeous and hadn't noticed she had under eye concerns, I was happy to help!

(I wish my under eye area looked like this.)

Her issue is a common one. Grace was looking for a product that wouldn't waste her money and would help diminish her under eye circles and puffiness. Here is a secret ladies: the majority of creams that tell you they will get rid of your under eye circles can't. They just lie. Cosmetic companies know you want to look rested and flawless under your eyes and they play on that fact. But the majority of creams and potions can't get to the bottom of under eye circles or some types of puffiness. They tell you they can, but they can't.

Here's why: scientists believe that one of the reasons for under eye circles are caused by leaking capillaries beneath the thin skin that surrounds the eye. It's not always because you didn't get enough sleep or are under more stress than usual. Can being sleep deprived and stressed out cause you to look less than your best? Absolutely. But unless a product is somehow flushing this oxidizing hemoglobin (that's what is most likely is) from the tissue beneath your eyes, you are stuck with those under eye circles. You can hide them, but don't be fooled by companies that promise they can always get rid of them.

After researching what scientists believe to be the best way to reduce under eye circles, I had a recommendation for Grace. I suggested she try the Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller. This product is semi-unique because it uses a roller ball to deliver the serum. The roller ball helps to flush that pesky hemoglobin out of the under eye tissue by gently massaging the area. The caffeine included in the serum helps constrict leaky capillaries to keep the dark circles at bay.

What about the eye puffiness? An easy (and cheap) way to help avoid puffy eyes is to sleep with your head slightly elevated and to avoid alcohol and salty foods, which can cause fluid retention to really show under your eyes.

So after a weekend of use, what did Grace think? "Thanks for suggesting it! I can already see a difference. I really like it."

Yeah! The bad news? Grace mentioned she has little pads of tissue under her eye that are partially responsible for the puffiness. According to Dr. Oz, the only way to banish that kind of puffiness is to have that tissue surgically removed. While some products can help shrink tissue (think old school Preparation H), it won't go away completely without going under the knife. But for now, Grace is happy with her Garnier Anti-Puff Eye Roller. Want to try it for yourself? Pick it up at any drugstore, Target or Walmart or use this coupon from

I purchased this product for myself and really liked it when it made its debut in the summer of 2008 (or was it 07?).

*Let's call her Grace.

photos courtesy of Picapp
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