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Defining Peptides: Jan Marini Peptide Extreme Serum

I am no cosmetic chemist. I wish I was, but honestly, I am not good at math and I am sure math is involved when it comes to chemistry. However, I am good at researching and getting to the bottom of the basics. Here is my best attempt to try to explain peptides and why you should consider them in your skin care routine.What is a peptide? In the most basic terms, it is a portion of a protein. And a protein is a large chain of amino acids. Peptides in skin care usually refer to amino acids that help regulate the skin on a cellular level. Often called cell-communicating ingredients, they direct the cells to heal themselves when it comes to things like wounds, excema or dermatitis.

When skin is new, peptides are easily able to communicate with skin cells. Everything is newer and the systems are working as they should. Like with anything, as it becomes older, cell communication and it's ability to work becomes more difficult. Systems start to break down slightly. Things like sun damage significantly slow down cells ability to communicate with each other. Healing and regeneration take longer and conditions like inflammation and wrinkling begin to occur more often. Often the peptides manufactured in the body aren't able to communicate the way they once did and could use a little boost.

While naturally occurring peptides are difficult to remain stable in the body and in cosmetics, peptides created in labs offer great promise in having a positive effect on cosmetic skin care. Peptide technology continues to advance where it is related to skin care.

A cosmetic company at the forefront of peptide skin care science is Jan Marini. One of Jan's products even uses technology that was recently awarded a 2009 Nobel Prize. Three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the anti-aging properties of telomeres.

I recently had a chance to chat with Jan about my skin concerns; the main one was dryness, fine lines and wrinkles and a loss of collegen (sagging skin). One of the products Jan suggested for me to try is the New Age Intervention Peptide Extreme Serum. Leaving aside my dislike of words like Extreme in the names of products, I was excited to see if this product could live up to it's hype.

I used this Peptide Serum for three months along with other products in the Jan Marini skin care line. When I started using this serum, my skin was very dry, had large pores- specifically on one side of my nose, and my skin was appearing somewhat red, due to inflammation. There was also a loss of tone across my cheeks.

I noticed when I first started using this product that my skin was very quickly much smoother and my radiance was significantly boosted. Noticeably boosted. (Mr. Lox even commented!) Over several weeks, the area around my nose and cheeks started to appear less "saggy" and fuller. After three months, my skin has improved radiance, is not as dry and seems much "fuller". While this product worked well with the skin care routine developed for me, this product is approved for use by anyone according to the company. It is very hydrating, so I would suggest it for people who do not have oily skin.

One of the most important factors when determining a products ability to work is the type of packaging it comes in and if that packaging allows for the ingredients to remain intact and stable. I am happy to report that this pump container keeps air and sunlight out and keeps the peptides and smarty-pants ingredients just as they should be.

Jan Marini products are available online or at select spas nationwide. In Baltimore? Pick it up here.

Have you ever thought about if your skin care has the science behind it to back up it's claims? Have you used Jan Marini products? Love them? Lump them? Tell me in the comments!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.
Photos by Shutterstock and JMRI, Inc.

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