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How I Got Slightly Better Cheekbones.

To be fair, we all have cheekbones. Mine have just been a little hidden recently. They do show up in most pictures, but only because I have perfected my "picture face".

Chin tilted down, looking over my glasses, camera slightly above eye level. For me, it's the equivalent of standing on the red carpet with your feet facing a different direction from your torso. Before I dive into the details, let's be clear: I am not saying that I have stolen Angela Bassett's cheekbones, although if they are for sale, count me in.

But I have noticed that my cheek hollows (where you would suck in to find the apples of your cheeks) are slightly more, well...hollow, when I am not giving "picture face."

Call me crazy, but one day they just appeared. I certainly haven't lost any weight in the last 3 months while I have been using the product. The only new thing is the product. But what have I been using? Meet C-ESTA Serum from Jan Marini.

But what is this wonder product? It's the culmination of years of intensive medical research that resulted in the first stabilized form of lipid soluble topically applied Vitamin C in a patented delivery vehicle combined with other essential factors.

So what does that mean? Here is where the science behind cosmetics gets interesting. First of all, C-ESTA contains Ascorbyl Palmitate, not Ascorbic Acid. Research at Proctor and Gamble and at the University of North Carolina has shown that Ascorbyl Palmitate has the ability to be absorbed by skin at a far greater rate than Ascorbic Acid, and you don't need to use as much. It is also a more effective version of Vitamin C because it's neutral when it comes to pH. (pH levels in products make a huge difference in how products work on the skin and if they can remain stable in packaging.) We all know that Vitamin C is known for boosting collagen and reducing skin damage from free radicals. Since Ascorbyl Palmitate is known to be a more effective and stable topical version of Vitamin C, think of it as the super hero version of Vitamin C.

While my skin does look more even toned and more clear and radiant (Thanks Super Hero Vitamin C!), it's not what gave me a sudden boost in the cheek department. That comes from the DAE Complex. What the what is DAE complex? Officially, DAE Complex is a powerful “antioxidant cocktail” that acts by stabilizing cell membranes. Stability of the cell membrane is critical to insuring that the cell functions at optimum levels. DAE Complex protects and enhances cellular activities.

Ok. So what the what does that mean for your face? It means younger skin that can absorb the Ascorbyl Palmitate better. It means that lines and wrinkles are lessened because of a tightening of the skin structure on a cellular level. And it means facial contours are more defined. BINGO! That explains it! I love it when science trumps cosmetic propaganda and I find something that actually works and I understand why it works. Check out the before and after pics:

(Here is my cheek in September. There is a slight hollow, but not that noticeable.)

(Here is my same cheek on January 5th. I tried to do the same amount of smile to keep all things even.)

While I am still light years away from having chiseled cheeks, I am thrilled with the subtle results I have achieved so far. And if you are using Retin A or other glycolic acid products, C-ESTA is totally compatible.

Jan Marini products are available online at and at select spas nationwide. If you are in Baltimore, swing by LaPapillion and check it out!

C-ESTA was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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