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Focus on Lips: Exfoliate and Renew

I was in CVS the other day and couldn't resist trying a product to help my chapped lips. Focus On Lips is a nifty wand with a plastic bristled brush on the end that claims to help exfoliate your lips, leaving them soft, supple and in great shape.

This wand contains a creamy solution that includes Shea Butter and Jojoba oil, as well as a few fruit acids and Salicylic acid to remove chapped lip bits. My thoughts? It exfoliates all right. Perhaps a little too much. It also left my lips feeling numb and I needed to add a little Korres Lip Butter to make my lips feel better. This is a little too harsh for me. Although I doubt it's the fruit acids, it more likely to be the harsh exfoliating nubbins on the brush. Save your money and use your toothbrush.

Want to try it for yourself? It's available at CVS stores or online. What is your favorite method to exfoliate and heal your chapped lips? Tell me in the comments.

I bought this product. And I plan to return it.
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