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How Do You Put On Your Mascara?

We all know people are people and that everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time. But I know there is a difference between how I do my makeup and how Melissa Street would do my makeup. Sometimes it's the products and sometimes it's the application.

For instance, I just read a review of a foundation brush on the site Product Girl that may make a difference between an ok application and a phenomenal application. While some may read this and not appreciate the subtle differences, I think life is all about the subtle differences. I also know that some products can't even be salvaged by a master makeup artist.

I was recently getting my hair cut and had a discussion with Bethany (and her mom, oddly enough) about how they put on their mascara. I had a similar discussion with a coworker during a recording session about a year ago. One of these ladies uses a hairdryer to dry her mascara in between coats to ensure coverage without clumping. Another was shocked her mother didn't switch hands when applying her mascara on her left and then her right eye. So my question is, how do you do it?

When you apply mascara, do you use your dominant hand to coat lashes on both eyes OR do you switch hands to make sure the coverage is even?
I use one hand. I would poke my own eye out if I had to use both.
I use both hands to make sure it's even.
I have to vote tomorrow. I have no clue what I do. free polls

What do you consider a coat of mascara to be?
One stroke of the brush.
Two to three strokes of a brush equals a coat.
I coat until it is thick and then I do the other eye. free polls

And lastly,

Do you wait for your lashes to dry in-between coats?
Yes. I wait a few seconds.
Yes. I wait a specific amount of time.
Yes. I use a hairdryer to speed things along.
Nope. I just build coverage until I am happy. free polls

Please let me know. It might seem trivial to you now, but what if you have been doing it wrong? Or if you could have those magazine lashes if you did it differently? Have more to share? Tell me in the comments!

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