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The Case of the Frozen Face Cream Caper

Anne Houseman of BeautyXpose encourages readers to write in for answers for their burning beauty questions -- no matter how silly they may seem. This week, one of our readers had an unusual circumstance leading her to ask whether or not her face cream would work after being frozen for a couple of weeks. So we did a little digging to make sure our reader would get the full benefits of her anti-aging cream after its unexpected deep freeze. While this may never happen to any of us (fingers crossed!), it seemed like an interesting enough question, and you never know when this info may come in handy.

face cream

Dear BX,

Through a random chain of events, my never-used-before anti-aging face cream made it’s way to a snow patch in my driveway. I thought it was lost until finding it under a snow bank while shoveling. It’s been frozen for a few weeks, so I’m wondering if it will still work the way it’s supposed to when it’s thawed.

-Amy G.

After learning about the Frozen Face Cream Caper, our gut instincts were that it should be absolutely fine, albeit a bit chilly (though that could have its benefits too). But then we remembered how some products have the “store at room temperature” instructions, so we thought we’d pull out the big guns to make sure. We turned to skin care expert, celebrity esthetician and spa owner Renee Rouleau for her words of wisdom. And it turns out, our initial suspicions were spot on — it should still work.

“A frozen product should be just fine to use once thawed out,” said Rouleau. “Cold temperatures should not create any problems for the product. Extreme heat, on the other hand, can cause color, consistency and efficacy to be affected.”

So there you have it. Simply thaw it out, then slather away. Just try not to leave it in your driveway this summer when temps are scorching!

Do you have a random beauty question? Ask me in the comments!

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