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I Want It Now: Longer Hair

I want long hair. And those that know me know that I am not patient. It's how I ended up wearing different hair extensions everyday for more than a year while my hair grew. I don't like to wait.

I have been asking around on the interwebs for anything that might help my hair grow more quickly. Pregnancy vitamins? Perhaps, but I think you need a prescription for the good ones and my friends who are pregnant probably need to take their own. Potions and elixirs? Possibly. I'm game to try them. One of my favorite bloggers, Ms. Houseman of Beauty Xpose suggested a time machine, which I would LOVE to have. If anyone has one to lend me for the purposes of review, I promise I will not use it for evil and will abide by all Dr. Who rules of travel.

In the meantime, my friends at Phyto suggested I try their Phytopolléine, which I use and already adore, in conjunction with their Phytophanere vitamins. My hair already grows fast, but I am hoping for a cheek length bob by spring. Fingers crossed...

And if you have any suggestions on things that helped you, please let me know. I am really, really impatient.

photo by shutterstock

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