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Men, Are You Shaving Incorrectly?

By Guest Blogger Anne Houseman, Beauty Xpose

Lose the unwanted scruff without fear of razor burn!

Intentional scruff may look sexy on your guy, but plain old stubble can be a huge turn off (not to mention harmful during a smooch-fest). So why do some men skimp on shaving when they know it may only increase their odds of getting some action? Well, many men we’ve spoken with cite nasty ingrown hairs and red bumps as the reason they’re putting it off (we also think laziness might have something to do with it…just sayin’). The true cause of this problem might be that these men are simply shaving the wrong way.

Nicole Sommers, a licensed esthetician specializing exclusively in natural men’s shaving/skincare and founder of online men’s store Gents, says that most men will shave incorrectly some 20,000 times during a lifetime. So what exactly are they doing wrong? We sat down with Nicole to find out.

BX: What do most men have wrong when it comes to shaving?

NS: Nearly 80% of men say shaving irritates their skin, with razor burn being the most common complaint. Men often cause razor burn by applying too much pressure with their razor when shaving. In addition, razor burn is often “product” burn. Many of the products that are designed for men are poorly formulated and contain far too many irritating ingredients like alcohol. An aloe-based aftershave gel like Lev8 will ice you down in seconds after shaving, especially if you experience razor burn.

BX: What is the best type of shaving cream to use and why?

NS: The best products will lock moisture into your whiskers and do not foam up – foam is merely soap filled water. Massage a quality shave cream, like Earth Science Shave Cream into the skin with upward motions. Work that shave cream into the beard well to make sure whiskers are softened into submission. Dry, rough beard hair can easily get entangled into your razor. Leave on one to three minutes before starting to shave.

Toss this!
BX: How often should blades be replaced? Are there any benefits to using disposable razors versus disposable blades or electric shavers?

NS: No matter how much you believe your razor is good enough for one or two more runs, any sight of rust is a bad sight. Always use a sharp blade. A dull blade is responsible for many shaving cuts, as it drags over the face and catches the skin along with the hairs of the beard. Replace the blade every three to seven shaves.

Disposable razors are generally very lightweight and don’t’ give a man enough control. Some have heads that don’t swivel and therefore don’t address the fact that your face has contour to it, making it more difficult to shave. With an electric shaver you don’t need water or shaving cream, and it is more difficult to cut yourself, but you wouldn’t get as close a shave as with a traditional razor. You also must have a source of electricity.

earth science shave cream

BX: How can men avoid nasty red bumps and ingrown hairs? If they already have them, how can they heal them best?’

NS: Hair bumps occur when your hair, whether it is on your face or neck, begins to curl and dig into the hair follicle adjacent to the hair. When this occurs, irritation and inflammation occurs. Then, a razor bump or ingrown hair is born. Shaving often causes an ingrown hair problem to occur and that is why it is also referred to as razor bumps.

Many individuals have found that shaving with an electric razor reduces the occurrence of hairs that are ingrown or razor bumps. This is likely due to the fact that electric razors do not shave as close as a wet blade. With blades, the shave is much closer and there is a greater chance of the cut and sharpened end of the hair to re-enter the hair follicle. Also, make sure that you set your electric razor’s setting to high in order to avoid close shaving. The alternative is to practice proper shaving techniques consistently and to follow certain shaving tips.

The best treatment is to moisturize the ingrown hair area several times a day and at night. Also, use a multi-tasking cleanser like Osea Ocean Cleanser that cleans and exfoliates (gets rid of dead skin), since dead skin cells trap ingrown hairs underneath the skin’s surface. The hair will eventually soften and liberate from the skin. Shave the hair as usual, and never tweeze.

OSEA atmosphere protection cream

BX: Should men alter their shaving routine in any way during colder winter months?

NS: As skin can get dry and itchy in winter months, it’s even more important to finish up your shaving routine with a quality moisturizing lotion like Osea’s Atmosphere Protection Cream. Shaving can remove up to two layers of superficial skin, so you want to make sure that you’re protecting your skin from the elements. It’s a good idea to moisturize in the evening as well since the skin loses more moisture at night.

Get more great shaving tips at the Gents Facebook page and by following the brand on Twitter (@GentsSkinCare).

Photos: Man shaving – StockXchng user Dreamguy; Man with stubble – Ben Stirling; Shave cream – Earth Science; Razor – Ramasamy Chidambaram; Protection Cream – Osea

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Dr. Perricone Advanced Eye Area Therapy Contest!

I have been using Dr. Perricone's Advanced Eye Therapy under one eye for about 45 days. I was quite honestly shocked when, within the first week, I saw a dramatic difference in the skin around my left eye.

(Perricone was used on the left and another was used on the right.)

I have definite wrinkling from smiling around my eyes, especially from my eyes across to my cheekbones. I have tried a variety of eye creams and this product has yielded the best results by far. I specifically used the product on one eye only so I could see what developed. My only regret is that my eyes are now so uneven, wrinkle-wise.

(Pericone was used on the left and another was used on the right.)

According to Dr. Perricone, "Not only does it minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness, it works to decrease the appearance of dark circles and discoloration with its other key science: Vitamin C Ester. Vitamin C Ester imparts a smooth and luminous appearance, and like DMAE and Alpha Lipoic Acid, it also diminished the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."

(I took this photo this morning. WOW!)

If the eye cream worked this well, I am curious to know what else they have that can produce these kind of results!

Want to check it out for yourself? One lucky reader can win their very own Dr. Perricone Advanced Eye Area Therapy, which retails for $95! Just leave a comment below telling me what you have tried in the past or what hasn't worked. (Be sure to log in or leave your email addy so I can get in touch if you win!) Want extra chances to win? Subscribe to Gouldylox Reviews, leave a comment on our Facebook page or Tweet about this contest (be sure to include @Gouldylox in your tweet!). This contest will end on February 12 at midnight, est. THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED AND THE WINNER HAS BEEN NOTIFIED. Congratulations!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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Gouldylox Investigates*: Cream Blush

Regular Gouldylox readers know that I am all about cream everything in 2010. Cream blushes seem like they should be the easiest of the cream products to find. In fact, they are. However, my skin flushes easily and has a lot of pink in it, which I try to hide. Many cream blushes are pink or (shudder) really wine colored, which is not what I am looking for.

I have found a few more expensive cream blushes that are lovely and not pink. Josie Maran and Philosophy both make great peachy cream blushes. Neither one of these pack as much of a color pop as I might like, but they look amazing on the skin.

Right now, my favorite cream blush of the moment is hands down is Natural Beauty Sheerest Cream Blush by Sally Hansen Inspired by Carmindy in Flush**. I know, it sounds like it would be pink-ish, but it isn't. It' an earthy, natural peach that imparts enough color on the skin to really show off your cheekbones. For $8.99, you really can't go wrong with any of the colors in this line !

*As I write, I am reminded of my favorite scene from the British version of The Office. Hence the odd post title.
**this product should also win an award for longest official product name.

I purchased this product with my own green money.

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Introducing: the Bleak Angled Brow Brush

I was about to throw out my Fashion 21 Eyeshadow Brush when my brain suddenly switched to its creative mode.  Why not turn this unused tool into something useful?

And so with a pair of scissors, I chopped off some hair until I got the 'look' I wanted.

BEFORE - Fashion21 Eyeshadow Brush, 60php

AFTER - herroyalbleakness' angled brow brush!

A closer view of the hair and ferrule

What I love about it is that it isn't too thin like an angled liner brush!  Think of something in between a liner brush and a shadow brush--- that's the bleak angled brow brush!  The lines I create with it when filling-in sparse areas of my brows are very, very natural and flattering (vs. angled liners).

So how'd I revamp a relatively denser eyeshadow brush into a bleak angled brow brush?

I had to cut off half of the hair sagitally, like so:

Looks ugly, but this is what makes it so pretty as a brow brush!

Not too thin, not too thick--- purrrrfect!

I'm now using this Fashion 21 eyeshadow brush with my In2it brow kit (remember how I disliked the small brush that comes with it?).  It works perfect in picking up the ample amount of pigment that I need for my brows!

Yep, even brushes can go through a makeover.  I can't believe myself for almost throwing this one out!

BEST IDEA EVER: For Your Purse

I was at lunch today with a group of co-workers and one of them whipped out a nifty hook for her purse. She then proceeded to hang her bag from the table, on her nifty hook, so it didn't have to sit on the floor. This stopped her purse from getting stepped on, or worse yet, from sitting on the bar floor, which was covered in schmutz. Here is what it looked like:

I found these online that also double as a bracelet, so you can take off your bracelet and hang your purse on the hook.I am not so sure I need to wear it as a bracelet first, only to take off my jewelry to hang my purse from the table, Inspector Gadget-style. But I do love how it looks and that it doesn't take up much room on the table.

Want something with more bling? These come in a ton of sizes and styles and are all rated to hold up to 20 pounds.

I need this NOW! Have you tried this? Love it?

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Defining Peptides: Jan Marini Peptide Extreme Serum

I am no cosmetic chemist. I wish I was, but honestly, I am not good at math and I am sure math is involved when it comes to chemistry. However, I am good at researching and getting to the bottom of the basics. Here is my best attempt to try to explain peptides and why you should consider them in your skin care routine.What is a peptide? In the most basic terms, it is a portion of a protein. And a protein is a large chain of amino acids. Peptides in skin care usually refer to amino acids that help regulate the skin on a cellular level. Often called cell-communicating ingredients, they direct the cells to heal themselves when it comes to things like wounds, excema or dermatitis.

When skin is new, peptides are easily able to communicate with skin cells. Everything is newer and the systems are working as they should. Like with anything, as it becomes older, cell communication and it's ability to work becomes more difficult. Systems start to break down slightly. Things like sun damage significantly slow down cells ability to communicate with each other. Healing and regeneration take longer and conditions like inflammation and wrinkling begin to occur more often. Often the peptides manufactured in the body aren't able to communicate the way they once did and could use a little boost.

While naturally occurring peptides are difficult to remain stable in the body and in cosmetics, peptides created in labs offer great promise in having a positive effect on cosmetic skin care. Peptide technology continues to advance where it is related to skin care.

A cosmetic company at the forefront of peptide skin care science is Jan Marini. One of Jan's products even uses technology that was recently awarded a 2009 Nobel Prize. Three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the anti-aging properties of telomeres.

I recently had a chance to chat with Jan about my skin concerns; the main one was dryness, fine lines and wrinkles and a loss of collegen (sagging skin). One of the products Jan suggested for me to try is the New Age Intervention Peptide Extreme Serum. Leaving aside my dislike of words like Extreme in the names of products, I was excited to see if this product could live up to it's hype.

I used this Peptide Serum for three months along with other products in the Jan Marini skin care line. When I started using this serum, my skin was very dry, had large pores- specifically on one side of my nose, and my skin was appearing somewhat red, due to inflammation. There was also a loss of tone across my cheeks.

I noticed when I first started using this product that my skin was very quickly much smoother and my radiance was significantly boosted. Noticeably boosted. (Mr. Lox even commented!) Over several weeks, the area around my nose and cheeks started to appear less "saggy" and fuller. After three months, my skin has improved radiance, is not as dry and seems much "fuller". While this product worked well with the skin care routine developed for me, this product is approved for use by anyone according to the company. It is very hydrating, so I would suggest it for people who do not have oily skin.

One of the most important factors when determining a products ability to work is the type of packaging it comes in and if that packaging allows for the ingredients to remain intact and stable. I am happy to report that this pump container keeps air and sunlight out and keeps the peptides and smarty-pants ingredients just as they should be.

Jan Marini products are available online or at select spas nationwide. In Baltimore? Pick it up here.

Have you ever thought about if your skin care has the science behind it to back up it's claims? Have you used Jan Marini products? Love them? Lump them? Tell me in the comments!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.
Photos by Shutterstock and JMRI, Inc.

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BE Matte Mini-Refillable Buffing Brush

Tired of spilling your BE when you travel? Had enough of carrying little baggies containing pots of the number one selling mineral foundation? Pick up the perfect traveling companion! This Mini-Refillable Buffing Brush comes preloaded with your choice of matte foundation, which is infused with BE's very own Active Soil Complex and provides an SPF of 15.

This little brush comes with all of the features of the refillable mineral veil brush, but is smaller, cuter and filled with your shade of foundation! When you use up all of the minerals, it is easy to refill - perfect if you change foundation colors throughout the year. This brush is also great to help you go from day to night without having to lug your foundation from home and your favorite face brush. I love it! Pick it up online or in BE Boutique.

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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Bare Escentuals RareMinerals Active Treatment Eye Cream

Yup. I have some serious crow's feet. I am not happy about it. The areas around my eyes are also very dry and as a result often look more crinkly than they need to. So I have been looking for eye treatments that can help me look refreshed, hydrated and younger. I'm 36 - do I really need to worry about looking younger yet? That, I suppose, is a different topic for a different day.
I was excited when Bare Escentuals asked me to try their new RareMinerals Active Treatment Eye Cream. I have tried their RareMinerals Skin Revival Night Time Treatment and in all honesty, it didn't do a lot for me. After not seeing any results after about three weeks, I decided to move on to the next product. I have since asked several boutique employees what their opinion of the product is and they all say the same thing: their skin improved slowly over time and was most noticeable when they stopped using the treatment.

I was excited to try the eye cream. My skin is very dry in the winter months due to the cold weather and indoor heat. I hate having drier than usual skin and was hoping this would be an emollient cream that might soothe the delicate skin under my eyes.

I used the Treatment Eye Cream every morning and every evening for four weeks, on one eye. (More to come on why the one eye later.) I really liked how the product felt and how hydrating it was. It added a little bit of brightening where it was applied, which was nice, especially in the evening, when I don't wear makeup. I think Mr. Lox likes it when I look refreshed at the end of a long day instead of dog tired.

This under eye cream didn't change my world as far as my crow's feet are concerned, but only a few things have really knocked my socks off yet in that department. If you are looking for a miracle cream in a bottle to fix your serious under eye problems, this may not work for you.

However, if you are on the younger side and looking for something to hydrate the delicate skin under your eye, this may be perfect for you.

Need it? Get it at Sephora and Ulta in February. Can't wait? It's available on the Q right now.

Have you tried this? What did you think? Tell me in the comments.

Bare Escentuals sent me the Eye Cream for the purposes of review. I purchased the RareMinerals Night Treatment at Ulta last year. And I still use the mirror on the top of the container.

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Cover FX Natural FX Foundation

I can't make up my mind about foundations. Last week I raved about TEMPTU and the look it gives me, but I can't stop looking for something even better. It's my downfall. Shiny objects always catch my attention and results in me constantly looking for the next best thing.

The most recent foundation to pique my interest? Cover FX. If you aren't familiar, Cover FX offers a bevy of different foundations to help cover all of your skin care woes. Rosacea? Acne? Scars? Cover FX has you covered. Creator Lee Graff has been working in the field of corrective makeup for years and has perfected the art with Cover FX.

I tested the Natural FX, a water based liquid foundation with an SPF of 15. This foundation provides the most sheer coverage of all of their foundations. Although if you have imperfections to conceal, this foundation will give you enough coverage to ensure you are still looking picture perfect.

I really liked how it looked on my skin. It definitely allowed my own skin to show through, while hiding redness. I hate when foundations cover my skin completely, making me look perfect, but as if I am wearing a mask. So I was really pleased that this offered coverage with room to breathe.

I also opted to use their incredibly popular Camouflage Concealer, which is great for layering to build the right amount of coverage without looking like you are overly made up. I finished up with a little bit of their Setting FX, a translucent powder that locks in color. The Concealer comes in six shades and the foundation itself comes in 20 shades, so one is bound to be a perfect match. And before I even started applying the foundation, I used their Skin Prep Nourishing Foundation Primer and Anti-Aging Serum. (The primer rocks and is worthy of its own review later.)

(The light in my house is not great. Here are three different views of how the same foundation looks.)

Recently, I have been having a hard time picking the right foundation color because my face has quite a bit more yellow in it than my neck, and making them meet in the middle has been challenging. I am thrilled with these results! This foundation wore nicely all day with no need for touch ups (except a tiny bit of powder after a stressful meeting). I love how creamy and flawless my skin looks - what do you think?

Have you tried Cover FX? Like it? Tell me in the comments!

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FOTD: Aromaleigh & Three Custom Color Specialists

I never do FOTD's (Face of the Day) photos because my artist skills on myself aren't all that wonderful and because I don't take great photos. However, this morning, I tried out some new colors that I normally wouldn't put together and really liked them. What do you think?

On my eyes, I used two colors from Aromaleigh's Retro Hi-Fi Matte collection, In the Mix and Cat's Pajamas. In the Mix is a matte light purple and Cat's Pajamas is an orange-y red.

I lined with an indelible gel liner in the shade Magnetism, which is a blend of black and gold. When they say indelible, this stuff is almost like a tattoo. It doesn't move.

On my cheeks, I used a gorgeous cream blush by Three Custom Color Specialists called Simply Beautiful. It looks very bright in the container, but goes on incredibly sheer and gives you build-able color. After I had layered and blended until I was content, I totally see where it gets its name and adds a beautiful flush to my skin.

The color on my lips is also from Three Custom Color Specialists. It's a very light pink gloss called Faerie Floss which is a very light pink/purple/clear/magical color. It's one of those colors I am convinced famous people wear when magazines say they are only wearing chapstick, yet they manage to look amazing.

What do you think?

I purchased all of the above products with the exception of Magnetism, which was given to me by a mineral makeup maven at Orglamix.

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Focus on Lips: Exfoliate and Renew

I was in CVS the other day and couldn't resist trying a product to help my chapped lips. Focus On Lips is a nifty wand with a plastic bristled brush on the end that claims to help exfoliate your lips, leaving them soft, supple and in great shape.

This wand contains a creamy solution that includes Shea Butter and Jojoba oil, as well as a few fruit acids and Salicylic acid to remove chapped lip bits. My thoughts? It exfoliates all right. Perhaps a little too much. It also left my lips feeling numb and I needed to add a little Korres Lip Butter to make my lips feel better. This is a little too harsh for me. Although I doubt it's the fruit acids, it more likely to be the harsh exfoliating nubbins on the brush. Save your money and use your toothbrush.

Want to try it for yourself? It's available at CVS stores or online. What is your favorite method to exfoliate and heal your chapped lips? Tell me in the comments.

I bought this product. And I plan to return it.
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The Case of the Frozen Face Cream Caper

Anne Houseman of BeautyXpose encourages readers to write in for answers for their burning beauty questions -- no matter how silly they may seem. This week, one of our readers had an unusual circumstance leading her to ask whether or not her face cream would work after being frozen for a couple of weeks. So we did a little digging to make sure our reader would get the full benefits of her anti-aging cream after its unexpected deep freeze. While this may never happen to any of us (fingers crossed!), it seemed like an interesting enough question, and you never know when this info may come in handy.

face cream

Dear BX,

Through a random chain of events, my never-used-before anti-aging face cream made it’s way to a snow patch in my driveway. I thought it was lost until finding it under a snow bank while shoveling. It’s been frozen for a few weeks, so I’m wondering if it will still work the way it’s supposed to when it’s thawed.

-Amy G.

After learning about the Frozen Face Cream Caper, our gut instincts were that it should be absolutely fine, albeit a bit chilly (though that could have its benefits too). But then we remembered how some products have the “store at room temperature” instructions, so we thought we’d pull out the big guns to make sure. We turned to skin care expert, celebrity esthetician and spa owner Renee Rouleau for her words of wisdom. And it turns out, our initial suspicions were spot on — it should still work.

“A frozen product should be just fine to use once thawed out,” said Rouleau. “Cold temperatures should not create any problems for the product. Extreme heat, on the other hand, can cause color, consistency and efficacy to be affected.”

So there you have it. Simply thaw it out, then slather away. Just try not to leave it in your driveway this summer when temps are scorching!

Do you have a random beauty question? Ask me in the comments!

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I Want It Now: Longer Hair

I want long hair. And those that know me know that I am not patient. It's how I ended up wearing different hair extensions everyday for more than a year while my hair grew. I don't like to wait.

I have been asking around on the interwebs for anything that might help my hair grow more quickly. Pregnancy vitamins? Perhaps, but I think you need a prescription for the good ones and my friends who are pregnant probably need to take their own. Potions and elixirs? Possibly. I'm game to try them. One of my favorite bloggers, Ms. Houseman of Beauty Xpose suggested a time machine, which I would LOVE to have. If anyone has one to lend me for the purposes of review, I promise I will not use it for evil and will abide by all Dr. Who rules of travel.

In the meantime, my friends at Phyto suggested I try their Phytopolléine, which I use and already adore, in conjunction with their Phytophanere vitamins. My hair already grows fast, but I am hoping for a cheek length bob by spring. Fingers crossed...

And if you have any suggestions on things that helped you, please let me know. I am really, really impatient.

photo by shutterstock

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How Mo'Nique (may) Have Gotten Her Glow Back

If you saw Precious, you were probably in awe of the amazing performances by everyone in the film. Gut wrenching, hard to watch and staggering only begin to describe Mo'Nique's performance. The normally adorable Mo'Nique was transformed into a rough mother who was stuck playing the only hand in life she ever knew and gave audiences the performance of a lifetime.

Perhaps because the film was fresh in my mind, I had been thinking of Mo'Nique from the movie. But when she stepped out on to that rainy, red carpet this past Sunday, she literally took my breath away. She is clearly so happy to be recognized for her work in the film. But she has a serious glow going on - she looked amazing! And while happiness and pride will do that do a girl, I knew there had to be something a little chemically stronger behind that gorgeous skin. Curious as to how she got that glow, I turned to esthetician-pal JoElle Lyons of the Hela Spa.

First off, JoElle points out that diet plays a huge part in how you look. "If you nourish yourself from the inside, it has to show on the outside. Mo'Nique has recently worked on her diet and looks amazing. Drinking water will also really help your skin look clear." JoElle also swears by supplements by Barleans, which are available at Whole Foods. Essential Women supplements from Barleans claim to give you radiant glowing skin, lustrous hair and strong nails while providing freedom from monthly or midlife female discomforts and offering beauty in full bloom.

Another trend that is really popular right now is the micro peel. A micro peel combines a chemical exfoliation followed up by a light dermabrasion treatment. Even the Real Housewives of Atlanta have been talking about their micro peels, due to the amazing results. "Mo'Nique is likely to have undergone a series of micro peels to help her get that glow. The micro peels are gentle enough not to require down time, but strong enough to really boost your skin care routine, giving you better results, faster."

Want to get that glow for yourself? Visit JoElle at the Hela Spa in Chevy Chase, MD to find out what kind of treatment will help you get your glow back. Call 202-333-4445 or visit for more information. And be sure to catch JoElle in the March issue of Essence Magazine!

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Another Beauty Pro Weighs In On the Sunscreen Question

So far my research relating to Dr. Neal Schultz's claim that sunscreen should be applied last has yielded slightly varying results. I was able to get in touch briefly with Jan Marini, a respected national skin care authority who has dedicated more than three decades to researching and developing new and innovative skin care technologies. Jan is also the creator of one of my all time favorite products, The AntiOxidant Daily Face Protectant, a sunscreen with an SPF of 30.

Jan said, "hands down, sunscreen goes last. If you were to put it on first, it would likely dilute the tenacity of the sunscreen."

Considering reducing the effectiveness of my sunscreen is the last thing I want to do, I am sticking with applying my sunscreen last.

Thank you to everyone who has spent time explaining the science behind this and weighing in with your theories. There is a lot more that goes into the science of being beautiful - I only wished I had paid more attention in chemistry.

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Another Beauty Pro Weighs In On the Sunscreen Question

Another pro has weighed in on the "do I apply sunscreen before or after my other skin care question." This time, the cosmetic chemists from The Beauty Brains tell us their thoughts on Dr. Neal Schultz's claim that has me concerned that I am not protecting my delicate punim in the proper way.

The Beauty Brains
, specifically the Left One, don't think the answer is quite as cut and dry. In fact, they aren't sure if there is a right answer. I'll let them explain:

You raise some interesting questions and the truth is this question is one for which science hasn't determined an answer. Good arguments could be made for both methods of application. Until there is a definitive study, there is no known "right" answer. But take heart, there is not really a "wrong" answer either.

Here is what the Brains conclude (with all due respect to the doctor) about these issues.

For physical blocking sunscreens (minerals) like Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide, it doesn't matter. They'll work just the same whether it's put on first or last. In this case, we recommend putting it on after your moisturizer just so the sunscreen doesn't inhibit the penetrating ability of the moisturizer (or other treatment).

Chemical sunscreens (e.g. Oxycinnamate) are a bit different because the raw materials in the formulas can have an impact on the final SPF rating. That means if you apply it after your moisturizer, you may reduce the SPF efficacy.

So, Zinc & Titanium on last, all other sunscreens on first.

Of course, you could actually solve the entire problem by using a moisturizer that contains sunscreen.

As for the question about the eye creams or serums. Again, the science hasn't been done but there is a good rationale for using them at night rather than in the morning. Many of the active ingredients are UV sensitive so they will most likely be less effective if exposed to the sun. Wearing products at night prevents this problem.

Thanks for your help, Brains!

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When Should You Apply Your Sunscreen? Before or After Your Skincare?

I recently found a video where Dr. Neal Schultz, a noted dermatologist, mentioned that sunscreen should be applied first and not last, which is what I have always been taught. Considering that fighting sun damage, despite using sunscreen every day, is a huge concern of mine.

In the past, my dermatologist didn't believe that I wasn't a sun worshipper because of the extent of my sun damage. The truth is, I have been wearing a Titanium Dioxide based sunscreen everyday since I was 22. My dermatologist believes that my skin (it's Irish, for the most part) is most likely genetically predisposed to burn. This is likely to be true because I don't tan. I get pink, sometimes peel and then go white again. But my face stays protected at all times, no matter what.

Dr. Schultz has also stated that antioxidant products are not needed during the day and you should only apply them at night. That sounds like a great idea, because it would make your product last longer, but is it true? Is needing an antioxidant to fight free radicals during the day something cosmetic companies have told us and we believed? Is everything I have always been told incorrect?

To get to the bottom of this debate, I asked a few other noted skin care professionals and cosmetic scientists. The first to respond? Paula Begoun, a consultant for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, major cosmetics companies, and industry insiders. Paula is well known for her books, like Don't go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me and for her website Beautypedia, where she gives consumers the truth about products and how (or if) they work. Here is what she told me:

"Dermatologist Dr. Neil Schultz is just plain wrong. His recommendation that sunscreen should be the first skin-care product a person applies flies in the face of everything we know about sunscreens. Following his logic would mean that sunscreen should be applied before cleanser as well. Dr. Schultz writes that sunscreen should go on before exfoliants and moisturizers. He also implies that antioxidants should only be used at night. The implication of antioxidants only being useful at night is not supported by any studies. Skin is confronted with free radical damage at all hours, so denying it an antioxidant boost in the morning doesn’t make sense. If anything, antioxidants are needed MORE during the day because sun exposure is such a potent source of damage. There’s also the issue that copious research has shown that antioxidants not only boost the efficacy of sunscreen actives but also help skin better defend itself against the oxidative damage sun exposure can cause, even when you’re diligent about applying sunscreen. But back to the issue of putting on sunscreen first. This dermatologist’s argument is that in order for sunscreen to be effective it must “bind with the skin in a chemical reaction to make it able to absorb or block the sun rays”. But how can it bind to skin if you are wiping it away or diluting it with other ingredients? You’d be “un-binding” it by applying several other products afterward. Hasn’t this doctor noticed that it takes special sunscreen formulations to hold up when you sweat (even though you applied the sunscreen first and it must have bound to skin by his logic) and then because it becomes diluted and breaks down you have to reapply it. Skin-care products would do the same thing! When sunscreen is applied as the last step in your skin-care routine, there’s no chance of anything else you’ve applied causing dilution or preventing it from providing even coverage, which is what you want. Sunscreen actives work by converting the sun’s harmful radiation into harmless heat via a chemical reaction. In order for sunscreen to work, you don’t want it to absorb too far into the skin because it needs to stay relatively near the surface to prevent the sun’s rays from getting by. Applying several products over sunscreen is sort of like putting up an umbrella to stay dry after you’re hair is already dripping wet. I really don’t know what Dr. Schultz was thinking and he doesn’t quote any research, but from every piece of research I’ve seen about sunscreen, I would not take his advice. One more comment: you may be wondering about applying foundation over sunscreen. This can complicate matters but generally because foundation is designed to stay on the very surface of skin and not absorb it is less problematic. However, for the little bit of problem foundation can pose (and moisturizing foundations or tints definitely pose) there are steps you can take to minimize sunscreen dilution. Wait for the sunscreen to set before applying foundation, and, during application, make sure you’re applying in smooth, downward motions. Don’t apply in a rubbing or back-and-forth motion and don’t use excess pressure. Of course, you can avoid the issue entirely by using a foundation rated SPF 15 or greater than contains the right UVA-protecting ingredients I’ve discussed at length. Secondary to that, you may also wish to set your foundation with a pressed powder rated SPF 15 or greater."

What do you think? I will be sure to update this post as more insiders weigh in!

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Cream Eyeshadow That Works Alert! Benefit Cream Shadow

In 2010, I am all about the cream. Cream eyeshadow, cream foundation, cream blush, cream face powder (Yup, face powder. I'm wait-listed to try it.) So far, cream blushes are the easiest to find. The most difficult to find that actually work? Cream eyeshadows. They crease. The color fades immediately. It turns muddy looking within minutes. Bleck. I don't think I am asking too much when I ask for a cream eyeshadow that doesn't leave me looking muddy.

So far, drug store brands are letting me down. I have found one brand that actually does what it says it should do. Look gorgeous, stay put and NOT crease. Benefit cream shadows are making me a happy camper!

(Skinny Jeans, Birthday Suit, Get Figgy)

I have tried Skinny Jeans, a slightly darker pewter-y shade, Birthday Suit, a pretty nude shade, and Get Figgy, a lovely dark purple that is also on the sheer side (it's versatile like that). LOVE THEM! They are truly creamy, easy to apply, long wearing and you get a substantial amount of product in the container. I am so excited to find something that works, I might have to pick up a few other shades, stat!

What cream shadows are working for you? Sticking to powder for the time being? Tell me in the comments!

Road Test Update: I have been wearing the shadow for more than 10 hours and there is still no creasing! Normally, I only wear makeup for 9 hours a day and remove it when I get home from work. Today is a long day and my cream shadow hasn't creased or faded at all!
Products were sent to me for the purpose of review.
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Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller

Recently a co-worker of mine*, Grace, asked for help finding a product that would help with her under eye issues. While I think she is gorgeous and hadn't noticed she had under eye concerns, I was happy to help!

(I wish my under eye area looked like this.)

Her issue is a common one. Grace was looking for a product that wouldn't waste her money and would help diminish her under eye circles and puffiness. Here is a secret ladies: the majority of creams that tell you they will get rid of your under eye circles can't. They just lie. Cosmetic companies know you want to look rested and flawless under your eyes and they play on that fact. But the majority of creams and potions can't get to the bottom of under eye circles or some types of puffiness. They tell you they can, but they can't.

Here's why: scientists believe that one of the reasons for under eye circles are caused by leaking capillaries beneath the thin skin that surrounds the eye. It's not always because you didn't get enough sleep or are under more stress than usual. Can being sleep deprived and stressed out cause you to look less than your best? Absolutely. But unless a product is somehow flushing this oxidizing hemoglobin (that's what is most likely is) from the tissue beneath your eyes, you are stuck with those under eye circles. You can hide them, but don't be fooled by companies that promise they can always get rid of them.

After researching what scientists believe to be the best way to reduce under eye circles, I had a recommendation for Grace. I suggested she try the Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller. This product is semi-unique because it uses a roller ball to deliver the serum. The roller ball helps to flush that pesky hemoglobin out of the under eye tissue by gently massaging the area. The caffeine included in the serum helps constrict leaky capillaries to keep the dark circles at bay.

What about the eye puffiness? An easy (and cheap) way to help avoid puffy eyes is to sleep with your head slightly elevated and to avoid alcohol and salty foods, which can cause fluid retention to really show under your eyes.

So after a weekend of use, what did Grace think? "Thanks for suggesting it! I can already see a difference. I really like it."

Yeah! The bad news? Grace mentioned she has little pads of tissue under her eye that are partially responsible for the puffiness. According to Dr. Oz, the only way to banish that kind of puffiness is to have that tissue surgically removed. While some products can help shrink tissue (think old school Preparation H), it won't go away completely without going under the knife. But for now, Grace is happy with her Garnier Anti-Puff Eye Roller. Want to try it for yourself? Pick it up at any drugstore, Target or Walmart or use this coupon from

I purchased this product for myself and really liked it when it made its debut in the summer of 2008 (or was it 07?).

*Let's call her Grace.

photos courtesy of Picapp
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Get Vera Farmiga's Ethereal Look at the Globes

Vera Farmiga looked lovely at the 2010 Golden Globes. Want the look for yourself? Tina Turnbow, artist for Tarte Cosmetics, gave us the scoop on how to get her Old Hollywood meets Ethereal Glow look. Don't get too excited however, some of these items will have to be added to your must-have list for Spring, when they officially hit shelves.

To make her skin look fresh, Tina used Tarte's smooth operator tinted moisturizer SPF 20 in façade and provocateur mineral pressed powder SPF 8 in fair.

To make her cheeks glow with a healthy pop of color, she chose Tarte's flower child natural cheek stain and used a bit of pink peony eyeshadow from the Tarte flower child eyeshadow palette as a highlighter. You'll have to wait for those colors, though. They'll hit the shelves this Spring.

To make Vera's gorgeous baby blues pop, she chose colors from Tarte's flower child eyeshadow palette (also not available until Spring) and followed up with Tarte's multiplEYE natural lash enhancing mascara.

To play up her pout, she went for a simple lip by combining Tarte's natural gel lip stain in charmed and vitamin infused lipstick in bikram.

Finally, to add that an overall dewy finish, Tina used Arcona's Lavender Hydrasol. Beautiful!

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Santa Lox Was Listening: TEMPTU Foundation

Having a blog is fun. I get to meet fun people and do things I may not always get to do. Turns out, it is a great tool for dropping holiday hints to my husband. And unless he had to wear a helmet as a child*, there was no way he could have missed the fact that I wanted a TEMPTU airbrush for the holidays. Especially since my banter about it bordered on obsessive.

I was craving airbrushed foundation and it is going to be a BIG TREND this year. Those two facts smushed together mean I NEED an airbrush. Which is where the whole having a blog-your-husband-reads-thing comes in handy during the holidays.

I was thrilled to unwrap the TEMPTU airbrush for Christmas. TEMPTU certainly isn't the only airbrush on the market. But it is the only really accessible airbrush I have seen. It's accessible because it is sold through Sephora, which in many towns is second only to Starbucks. They have a ton of foundation choices, a few blushes, bronzers and highlighters to choose from. Plus it claims to give you a flawless face and I need that.

While on a TV shoot recently, I stopped into the 5th Ave Sephora and was lucky enough to chat with the TEMPTU rep. She color matched me and told me that she was hopeful more colors and other products would be released in 2010. That makes me happy because it is really my only complaint with TEMPTU; four blushes do not a blush palette make for me. However, I do love the soft peach blush. It's gorgeous. And when coupled (tripled?) with the champagne highlighter and bronzer, I am able to almost sculpt some nice cheekbones. I think this is where practice will eventually make perfect.

I love the foundation. It's not matte, it's not dewy, it's somewhere in-between. I prefer a light to medium amount of coverage and like how it looks. It takes me about 1 minute to put on the foundation and another two minutes to do the blush. It would take less if the design of the pods wasn't so rounded and slippery. While I don't look flawless, I think I could look flawless if was willing to go a little heavier on the coverage. But I also like my skin to show through a bit, so I guess I am left to compromise.

While the overall price of the unit may deter some users, I am having a hard time using the other products I need to test because I am having so much fun playing with the airbrush. My only complaint (besides lack of blush colors)? The foundation has an extended dry down time. I often find myself stippling my foundation with a liquid foundation brush to makes sure my inexperienced airbrush hand covered everything evenly and to help speed the dry down. All in all, I LOVE this. Thanks Loxy!

Update: A few people requested photos of how it looks on the skin. Check it out!

Have you thought about picking this up? Love the airbrushed look but are on the fence? Tell me in the comments!

*Mr. Lox did wear a helmet as a child. I am not trying to be disparaging to people who did wear helmets as children (my co-worker did as well and you know I love you.). I really just wanted to work in that he wore a helmet. He is proud of this fact and often asks why I haven't figured out a way to incorporate this into a blog post. Ta Da, Loxy! In reality, he has a eye tumor and getting hit in the head with a ball was a constant fear of his Mom. Lucky for both of them, he was terrible at sports** and balls being thrown at him was unlikely since he didn't play sports. However, that fact was not considered when his helmet wearing was determined. To be continued....

**Proofreader's note: Mr. Lox is not good at "throwing or catching" sports. He is an avid cyclist and paddle-er. He also enjoys hiking and getting ready to cycle. He is also very manly, despite proofreading a beauty blog daily.

I was given the TEMPTU airbrush by my husband and my Mom scored me some foundation. I then purchased the other color products.

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