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Ten New Bare Escentuals Summer Eyecolors + Swatches!

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BE is launching ten new colors just in time for summer, including a few you have to drop what you are doing and pick up now, quick-fast-like-a-bunny. Here's a look!

Lilac Vibe- a luminous lilac

Sundress- a bright, springy yellow

Berry Flambe'- a deep violet

Cha-Cha - a very light strawberry pink

Wicked- a dark and slightly bewitching green glimmer

Spiced Biscotti- a very light apricot that compliments those with freckles perfectly

Siren - a taste of mint chocolate ice cream for your eyes

Chic Nude - the perfect color for evening out fair toned ladies' lids

Steel- a rosy metallic sheen

Popular- a bright plum glimmer

Out of all of these, I cannot continue my spring and summer without Sundress, Spiced Biscotti, Siren, Chic Nude and Popular.

Therefore, while wearing my Chic, nude sundress and eating a spiced biscotti, I heard a siren and knew that nude sundresses would never be popular. When the wicked officer cha-cha'd his way over to slap on the steel bracelets, I knew my lilac vibe was about to change. I can't be the only one who makes up stories about eye shadow colors, can I?

Which colors are your must haves? Pick all of these up your BE Boutique or online at

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