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Mally 24/7 Brow Express Bulletproof Brow System

As a ginger, I am really judgmental when it comes to my brows. Very few people make a real red that works for my brows and people who say they do are usually lying. So when Mally sent me her Express Bulletproof Brow System, I was leary.

According to Mally, the color she sent me, Taupe, works for those with gray, blonde or red hair. That seems like a wide spectrum to me, but I figured I would give it a whirl.

This Brow system comes with a creamy brow pencil and Mally's signature brow powder in the cap of the pencil. And because it's bulletproof, you can even swim in it. While I haven't tried swimming in it for obvious reasons,  I have tried exercising and misting my face with water and my brows didn't budge. And don't tell, but I've even slept in it and it didn't move.

But how do you get it to work for blondes and redheads? The amount of pressure you use will change the type of color you'll get. A lighter touch will yield a better color for blondes and a heavier touch will give you more color for a redhead. Not a blonde or ginge? They have two other colors available, Medium Brown and Sable, for ladies (or men) with darker hair.

 (Swatches of Taupe, including the powder, right.)

This is a simple way to frame your face without worrying your brows will go MIA half way through the day.

After all, nobody wants "floaty balls." (Which is what Mally called unframed brows on the Q recently!)

Tried it? Tell me all about it!

Mally doesn't test on animals. Product sent for review.

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