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CLEAN: Cotton T-Shirt

Baby powder, fresh laundry, cotton and sea spray are some of my favorite scents. They tend to give me a little boost when I don't feel like being fancy and aren't overpowering. It's no surprise that CLEAN fragrances are some of the few fragrances that I adore.

While they have recently released two new scents, Cotton T-Shirt and Summer Escape, Cotton T-Shirt is my go-to scent on Saturday mornings. It smells exactly like putting on your boyfriend's or husband's clean shirt. It's a cozy, comfy smell that is not overpowering. The downside is that it isn't the longest lasting scent. For me, this actually ends up working well. By the time it wears off, I'm usually ready to switch it up to something for wherever I am off to for the evening. It's perfect for weekends or lazy days off.

Pick it up at Sephora or

Product was sent for review.

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