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Making a Change: Nutrisystem Week 12

I'm struggling. Maybe it's boredom. Maybe in a funk. Maybe it's too many invitations to dine out with friends and family. Or maybe it's the siren song of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that I can't seem to dodge.

(Perhaps I should try this? It's only $6.)

I want to keep trying, but I'm definitely still looking for my mojo. I do really well during the day, for the most part. I love and actually look forward to my Nutrisystem breakfasts. My favorites are probably the scones, which I wouldn't expect to like as much. I'm usually more of a muffin girl. I love the scones because they satisfy my sweet tooth and my carb tooth (can you have a carb tooth?) at the same time. I tend to eat incredibly quickly, for reasons no one understands. Because these are on the drier side (they're scones!) I can't devour them in 3 seconds. I love them.

I hold my own during the afternoon as well. My lunch has been either a Black Bean Soups or a Pasta Parmesan dish, which I like (despite still not mastering cooking them in my microwave without them partially exploding). My lunch usually also contains a string cheese, V-8 and a fruit of some kind.

It's the evenings I can't seem to muster my way through. The call of the Reese's is strong and I am weak.

But in good news, I am down a pants/dress size, which is pretty exciting!

Any tips for getting through a diet slump? Tell me!

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I am part of the Nutrisystem Blogger Nation and Nutrisystem is providing their plan and food in exchange for my reviews. As always, opinions are my own.  Photos by me.  

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