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How To Fake It Like a Superstar

I was watching a lot of tv over the weekend and realized just how many people fake their appearance. I want to appear naturally golden with luxuriously long hair, amazing nails and a shapely waist. I know that I will never have Kristen Bell's hair or Julianna Margulies' skin, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it.

Here are tips on how to fake it with the best of them (and how to be able to pick out your faux sisters in a crowd).

Add more hair to your hair.

Almost everyone on television adds hair to their hair. And there is no reason you shouldn't do the same! There are some great faux hair lines out there now. My favorites are Ken Paves and POP. Pick up a fall like this one (hair that clips to the top of your head and fills out the back, top and sides) for instant glamour. Just be sure to blend it in and stay out of the wind. An easy way to trick the savviest of faux hair spotters? Add a headband or wrap.

Want to tell if someone is wearing a fall? Look for these tell tale signs:

Their part disappears halfway towards the back of their head or changes places. If you look closely, you can see where the hair is added, behind her natural bangs. It's a perfect color match and almost totally undetectable.

There is a slight ridge of hair just above and behind the ears. Her part also disappears very close to the middle of her head. This is also a perfect color match, which is the most important part!

Most people would never think to look for those signs, so fake your way to luxurious hair!

The easiest way to add more hair is with clip in accessories. Ken Paves makes a brilliant pony tail wrap. Old ponys had butterfly clips, which attached in a way that was different from how a real pony attached and were a dead giveaway (which never stopped me from wearing them!). That all changes with this new Ken Paves Ponytail Wrap. This clips to your existing ponytail and then an extra bit wraps around, looking polished and perfectly believable. Or try a clip in Chignon, which couldn't be easier or look more polished. Just be sure to attach it firmly to the back of your head.

Channel Your Inner Margulies.

I can promise you, by the time they hit 50, every Tara, Lindsay and Snooki will have wished they had taken the Marguiles approach to skincare. That means staying out of the sun and bathing yourself in SPF morning, noon and night. Ok. At night it can be a retinol.

But everyone who is anyone is tan, right?

That's why you need to fake bake with a really good self tanner. I love Beautisol. Their facial tanner is more like skincare and the color is a Mediterranean tan, which means it's not going to go orange. The body tanner is easy to apply and never looks fake. And you'll never smell like you've been fake baking.

Being tanorexic is the easiest way to get spotted with a fake tan, but faux-tanned ladies can be called out for forgetting their ears, the back of their neck or a stripe on the back of their arm. If you are worried you've applied too much to worrisome spots like your elbows, just buff the area lightly with a dry towel after you've applied the tanner and you'll look perfect. And with a faux tanner like Beautisol, there is no smell, so no one will be the wiser!

Back Lumps, Be Gone!

(I love this style top!)

Finally, I want to be those girls who can wear a wrap top with no risk of back lumps. I don't care how skinny you are, everyone gets these from time to time, unless you are being airbrushed. I hate back lumps more than I hate animal abusers (well, almost as much).

To avoid the dreaded back lump check out a body shaper like these, which are so comfortable I wear one every day. I'm not kidding. I love these things!

What is your favorite way to fake it?

Some products may have been sent for review.

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