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Scoop, Stuff and Blather - Wednesday

I am woefully behind on my posts. I have an army of things to write about, but my day job keeps getting in the way. Since that is the gig that pays me, what's a girl to do? So while I have a few minutes, here is what I have been thinking about.

(Thanks facebook, for providing me with my first grade class picture. Me, top middle, red pants.)

But first, a fact you may not know about me. In first grade, my teacher, Mrs. Barkes (above), wrote on my report card that, "all of Kelly's errors were made in haste. If she could only slow down and pay attention, her work would be so much better." I actually found that report card a few months ago and planned on posting it because it is still so, so true.

But alas, I lost it. If it turns up, I'll post it. Either way, nothing has changed. I do almost everything flying by the seat of my pants and will make mistakes. It's no secret that Loxy reads everything I write to make sure I don't sound like (more of) an arse who can't use apostrophes correctly. My point? Forgive my typos.

Scoop Overheard On My Travels:
It's no secret that Bobbi Brown is coming to Sephora online any minute. We all got the email. I did hear from a good source that Bobbi is coming to select stores (including some in Baltimore) early next year (like February).

I also overheard other reputable sources (not from BE) talking about the 5 year deal Buxom signed with Sephora for exclusivity. I don't think this is new news and I have heard Internet chatter to the effect for months. I hope this means more Buxom shadows in new colors. I really hope they dive into the cream blush business with Buxom too. My blush still falls off of my face and if they made a Stay-There blush, I would swoon.

Stuff I Need:
I really want the Burlesque Beauty Collection from Smashbox. I checked it out yesterday in store and LOVE LOVE LOVE the gray cream shadow that comes in the collection. Of course, as with any palette of interest, it was sold out in two minutes. I shouldn't be surprised. All collections, even the ones that came out months ago, are still not available in stores. I'll be stalking this collection until I find one.

Later today, I am getting a Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Treatment, which claims to repair hair instantly. I have been reading good things about this treatment, so I will be sure to let you know if it fixes my damaged hair and does any thing to tame my goat hair. I am hoping it's KeraTriplex salon treatment will work magic. My goat hairs need it.

I just received samples of the new Jonathan Smooth shampoo, conditioner and styling balm that claims to help fight frizz. I used it this morning and got great results. But I haven't been outside in the humidity for long, so I can't judge. Plus, one use does not a review make. I fear it might leave a film on my hair which makes me nervous, but maybe that is what fights frizz? The results I got this morning are making me super smiley. It almost looks like I flat ironed it, without the flat iron. I'll have to judge after using it for a few weeks. I'll get back to you.

Finally, one of my other loves, television, suffered an extreme and sad loss today. Lone Star, my new favorite show that isn't a reality, cop, spy or doctor drama got the axe after two episodes. Thanks for nothing, Fox executives. You stink at your job. (The job of making good tv. Not the job of filling air time with well worn plot lines.)

ps Fox Execs- nothing will beat DWTS. Have you not heard of a mid-season replacement?

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