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Lumixyl Skin Brightening System

I recently had the chance to check out a gentle system that claims to reduce hyper-pigmentation, without the usual side effects of redness and irritated skin. It doesn't contain hydroquinone, won't increase your chance of sunburn and is safe for all skin types and skin tones.

Lumixyl is an 8-week system, that uses a series of glycolic acid treatments, a patent-pending lightening peptide cream, a facial wash and an SPF 30.

Here is how it works. Every day, you follow their regimen, using the supplied products according to their instructions.

Every two weeks, you increase the use of the glycolic acid, which helps turn over new, fresh skin for the lightening cream to brighten. Then you protect your skin with their amazing SPF cream. At the end of the treatment, your skin should be slightly more even, radiant and fresh looking, without the irritation that normally accompanies these treatments.

According to the directions, you should wash your face, apply the glycolic acid and follow up with the lightening cream. While the directions suggest two pumps of the lightening cream, one will get the job done and will allow you to complete the eight weeks (otherwise, you will run out of cream before the end of 8 weeks). The facial cleanser is nice and gentle enough to use to remove eye makeup. The glycolic acid acts how glycolic acid acts. It may burn or itch slightly, while it is on your skin, but that feeling subsides once the solution is removed. New skin is turned over immediately! The lightening cream sinks into your skin easily and does not irritate skin in the least. Finally, the SPF cream is great. Not only does it have a slight whitening effect on the skin, making your skin appear brighter immediately, but it is an amazing primer. Makeup will last longer with this SPF then with almost anything else I have found. And believe me, I have been looking!

So how did it work? I was pleased with the results. My melasma is deep and hard to treat and this did lighten my sun spots slightly. My skin didn't peel and was never irritated during the entire time I used the product. My sun spots are not gone entirely, but they are slightly lighter than they were. With continued use, I imagine they would continue to lighten.

A reader I know is also using Lumixyl and echos my sentiments. She is also seeing some lightening after a few weeks of use. She loves the SPF as much, if not more than I do, which is impressive! She also has somewhat more sensitive skin than I, and has not experienced any redness, irritation or peeling.

What have you tried to reduce sun damage? What has worked for you? If you've tried this, tell me what you think!

This was sent to me for the purpose of review. Lumixyl does not test on animals.

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