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I'm Back!

(My shoot started here. It was tranquil, pretty and only in the 70's.)

I was on one of the craziest, hottest, most insane and surreal shoots of my life all of last week and though it's been more than 4 full days since we accidentally wrapped (our last subject ran off to the Dominican without telling us), I have not fully recovered. While the stories that happened are barely beauty-related (besides dragging my cohort to Sephora while carrying 60 lbs of work stuff in a heat wave because I needed to r e l a x). And for what it is worth, Around Me and Google Maps aren't the greatest app for determining distances. If I can think of a way to tell you some stories that don't incriminate, embarrass or get me fired, I will. As my cousin Wormer can testify, odd things happen to me and often make good stories.

At least while I was out, I found a fantastic styling tool, some beautiful eye shadow especially for the fair skinned, dark eyes and haired girls, one of the most amazing concealers I have come across recently and a really nice skin scrub that is transforming my miserable cuticles.

So stay tuned. And I will try to figure out a way to tell you at least part of what happened to me last week. I just don't want to get Two Birds, One Blogged.*

*Two Birds, One Blog is an off color, downright rude, funny blog my co-workers read like the Bible. However, while she tried to be anonymous, all of her work stories were discovered, she was fired and I think may be in the process of fighting a law suit. Or maybe it didn't go that far. Either way, I like being employed, so I will have to think of a way to protect the innocent/guilty/whatevers.

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